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 Class TReport

 oDevice     The target device where to print
 oTitle      A TRLine object which contains the report title
 oHeader     A TRLine object which contains the report header
 oFooter     A TRLine object which contains the report footer
 oRptWnd     The related report window
 oBrush      An optional brush to use at the report
 aGroups     An array with all the report TRGroups objects defined
 aColumns    An array with all the report TRColumns objects defined
 aFont       An array with all the report TFont objects defined
 aCols       Internally used while printing. Don't use them!
 aText       Internally used while printing. Don't use them!
 aData       Internally used while printing. Don't use them!
 aPen        An arrays of pens to use with the report
 bFor        A codeblock which holds the FOR clause. By default: {|| .t. }
 bWhile      A codeblock which holds the WHILE clause. By default: {|| .not. EOF() }
 bInit       A codeblock which holds the ON INIT clause.
 bEnd        A codeblock which holds the ON END clause.
 bStartLine  A codeblock which holds the ON NEWLINE clause.
 bEndLine    A codeblock which holds the ON ENDLINE clause.
 bStartPage  A codeblock which holds the ON NEWPAGE clause.
 bEndPage    A codeblock which holds the ON ENDPAGE clause.
 bStartGroup A codeblock which holds the ON NEWGROUP clause.
 bEndGroup   A codeblock which holds the ON ENDGROUP clause.
 bSkip       A codeblock which holds how to skip to the next report line.
 bStdFont    A codeblock which returns the default report font order to use.
 bPreview    An optional codeblock to evaluate on the preview of the report
 bChange     A codeblock which holds the ON CHANGE clause
 cRptFile    -not available yet- The Data-driven file which holds the report.
 cResName    -not available yet- The resource name which holds the report.
 cTotalChr   The character to use for drawing the report total lines. Default: "="
 cGroupChr   The character to use for drawing the report group totals. Default: "-"
 cTitleUpChr The character to use for drawing the report column title up line. Default: "="
 cTitleDnChr The character to use for drawing the report column title down line. Default: "="
 cFile       -not available yet- The name of the target file to produce.
 cName       The name of the document to generate.
 nWidth      The width of the target device. Pixels per inch.
 nHeight     The height of the target device. Pixels per inch.
 nMargin     The report left margin after stabilizing the report.
 nRow        The current report row being printed.
 nPage       The current report page being printer.
 nMaxTitle   The largest number of title lines used on all column titles.
 nMaxData    The largest number of data lines used on all columns body.
 nSeparator  The spaces width between columns.
 nLeftMargin The left  margin of the page. Default: 0,2 inches.
 nRightMargin The right margin of the page. Default: 0,2 inches.
 nTopMargin  The top   margin of the page. Default: 0,2 inches.
 nDnMargin   The down  margin of the page. Default: 0,2 inches.
 nTitleRow   Row where to start printing the report title.
 nBottomRow  Last row available to the report body. (without the footer).
 nStdLineHeight The default report line height.
 nRptWidth   The width of the report. Automatic updated when Stabilizing.
 lSummary    Not detailed report body information, only report groups.
 lTotal      If there is any column with total to be calculated.
 lFinish     .t. when the report is finishing. Internally used.
 lStable     .t. after the report has been stabilized.
 lGroup      If there is any report group defined.
 lPrinter    If the target device is the printer.
 lScreen     -Not available yet- If the target device is the screen.
 lFirstRow   .t. only when processing the first body line in each page. Internally used.
 lCreated    If the report has been completely created
 lPreview    If a report preview is required
 lSpanish    If Spanish language is used
 lShadow     If a shadow is going to be displayed
 lGrid       If a Grid is going to be displayed
 Cargo       Generic cargo slot

 New          Method constructor: creates a new report.                      .
 AddColumn    Add a TRColumn object to the report.                           .
 DelColumn    Del a TRColumn object from the report.                         .
 InsColumn    Insert a TRColumn object to the report.                        .
 AddGroup     Add a new TRGroup object to the report.                        .
 DelGroup     Del a TRGroup from the report.                                 .
 Stabilize    Stabilizes the report before starting printing (activate).     .
 Skip         Skip to next record on the current workarea -or equivalent-.   .
 Init         Evaluate the ::bInit codeblock if defined.                     .
 End          Forces the termination of the report.                          .
 StartLine    Executes the codeblock defined on the start of a line.         .
 EndLine      Ends printing the current line.                                .
 StartGroup   Executes the codeblock defined on the start of a group.        .
 EndGroup     Executes the codeblock defined on the end of a group.          .
 StartPage    Executes the codeblock defined on the start of a page.         .
 EndPage      Executes the codeblock defined on the end of a page.           .
 NeedNewPage  Returns .t. if a new page is needed. -internal used-           .
 NewLine      Start a new line, and executes the startline codeblock.        .
 BackLine                                                                    .
 ColTitle     Prints all report columns titles.                              .
 TotalLine    Prints every report columns Separator lines.                   .
 PageTotal    Prints all report column page & grand totals.                  .
 Activate     Starts executing the report.                                   .
 Play                                                                        .
 Margin       Modify any of the top, left, bottom & right report margins.    .
 Say          Draws a text                                                   .
 SayBitmap    Draws a bitmap                                                 .
 Box          Draws a box                                                    .
 Line         Draws a line                                                   .
 Shadow       Shadows an area                                                .
 KillShadow                                                                  .
 Grid         Places a grid on the report                                    .
 Inc2Pix      Turns inches into pixels                                       .

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