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 SetWindowOrigin()   Changes the window origin of the DC of a window

   Syntax:              SetWindowOrigin( <hDC>, <nCol>, <nRow> )
                                         --> <aPrevOrigin>


   <hDC>                Identifies the device context.

   <nCol>, <nRow>       Identifies the coordinates of the top-left
                        position of the window.


   <aPrevOrigin>        An array with the previous origin values:
                        { nCol, nRow }

   Observations:        The window origin is the origin of the logical
                        coordinate system for a window. By changing the
                        window origin, an application can change the way the
                        graphics device interface (GDI) converts logical
                        coordinates to device coordinates (the viewport). GDI
                        converts logical coordinates to the device
                        coordinates of the viewport in the same way as it
                        converts the origin.

                        To convert points to the right, an application can
                        specify a negative value for the nCol parameter.

                        Similarly, to convert points down (in the MM_TEXT
                        mapping mode), the nRow parameter can be negative.

   Source code:         SOURCE\\WINAPI\\WndCente.c

   See also:            GetWindowOrg()

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