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 SetClpData()            Changes the contents of the clipboard

   Syntax:               SetClpData( <nFormat>, <uData> )  --> <lSuccess>


   <nFormat>             Specifies the format of the data. It can be any one
                         of the system-defined formats or a format registered
                         by the RegisterClipboardFormat function.

                         CF_BITMAP    The data is a bitmap.

                         CF_DIB       The data is a memory object containing
                                      a BITMAPINFO structure followed by the
                                      bitmap data.

                         CF_DIF       The data is in Data Interchange Format

                         CF_DSPBITMAP The data is a bitmap representation of
                                      a private format. This data is displayed
                                      in bitmap format in lieu of the privately
                                      formatted data.

                         CF_DSPMETAFILEPICT The data is a metafile
                                      representation of a private data format.
                                      This data is displayed in
                                      metafile-picture format in lieu of the
                                      privately formatted data.

                         CF_DSPTEXT   The data is a textual representation of
                                      a private data format. This data is
                                      displayed in text format in lieu of the
                                      privately data.

                         CF_METAFILEPICT The data is a metafile (see the
                                      description of the METAFILEPICT structure.

                         CF_OEMTEXT   The data is an array of text characters
                                      in the OEM character set. Each line ends
                                      with a carriage returnlinefeed (CR-LF)
                                      combination. A null character signals
                                      the end of the data.

                         CF_OWNERDISPLAY The data is in a private format that
                                      the clipboard owner must display.

                         CF_PALETTE   The data is a color palette.

                         CF_PENDATA   The data is for the pen extensions to
                                      the Windows operating system.

                         CF_RIFF      The data is in Resource Interchange File
                                      Format (RIFF).

                         CF_SYLK      The data is in Symbolic Link (SYLK)

                         CF_TEXT      The data is an array of text characters.
                                      Each line ends with a carriage
                                      returnlinefeed (CR-LF) combination. A
                                      null character signals the end of the

                         CF_TIFF      The data is in Tag Image File Format

                         CF_WAVE      The data describes a sound wave. This is
                                      a subset of the CF_RIFF data format; it
                                      can be used only for RIFF WAVE files.

                         Private data formats in the range CF_PRIVATEFIRST
                         through CF_PRIVATELAST are not automatically freed
                         when the data is removed from the clipboard. Data
                         handles associated with these formats should be freed
                         upon receiving a WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD message.

                         Private data formats in the range CF_GDIOBJFIRST through
                         CF_GDIOBJLAST will be automatically removed by a call
                         to the DeleteObject function when the data is removed
                         from the clipboard. If Windows Clipboard is running, it
                         will not update its window to show the data placed in
                         the clipboard by the SetClipboardData until after the
                         CloseClipboard function is called.

   <uData>               The handle of the data to place at the
                         Clipboard. Right now FiveWin only supports text,
                         due not to a FiveWin limitation since that all
                         formats have not yet been implemented.

   Sample:               SAMPLES\\TestClip.prg

   Source code:          SOURCE\\WINAPI\\ClpBrd.c

   See also:             OpenClipboard() CloseClipboard() GetClpData()

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