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 MessageBox()           Creates, displays and operates a MessageBox window

   Syntax:              MessageBox( <hWnd>, <cText>, <cTitle>, <nStyle> )
                              -->  <nRetValue>


   <hWnd>               The handle of the container window of the
                        messagebox dialog to be created. If it is 0, it will
                        not have a container window.

   <cText>              The message to be displayed.

   <cTitle>             The dialogbox title to be displayed. Default value
                        is "Error".

   <nStyle>             Specifies the contents and behavior of the DialogBox.
                        This parameter can be a combination of the following

                        Value   Meaning

                        MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE  The message box contains three
                                             push buttons: Abort, Retry, and
                        MB_APPLMODAL         The user must respond to the
                                             message box before continuing
                                             work in the window identified by
                                             the hwndParent parameter. However,
                                             the user can move to the windows
                                             of other applications and work in
                                             those windows. MB_APPLMODAL is the
                                             default if neither MB_SYSTEMMODAL
                                             nor MB_TASKMODAL is specified.
                        MB_DEFBUTTON1        The first button is the default.
                                             Note that the first button is
                                             always the default unless
                                             MB_DEFBUTTON2 or MB_DEFBUTTON3 is
                        MB_DEFBUTTON2        The second button is the default.
                        MB_DEFBUTTON3        The third button is the default.
                        MB_ICONASTERISK      Same as MB_ICONINFORMATION.
                        MB_ICONEXCLAMATION   An exclamation-point icon appears
                                             in the message box.
                        MB_ICONHAND          Same as MB_ICONSTOP.
                        MB_ICONINFORMATION   An icon consisting of a lowercase
                                             letter "I" in a circle appears in
                                             the message box.
                        MB_ICONQUESTION      A question-mark icon appears in
                                             the message box.
                        MB_ICONSTOP          A stop-sign icon appears in the
                                             message box.
                        MB_OK                The message box contains one push
                                             button: OK.
                        MB_OKCANCEL          The message box contains two push
                                             buttons: OK and Cancel.

                        MB_RETRYCANCEL       The message box contains two push
                                             buttons: Retry and Cancel.
                        MB_SYSTEMMODAL       All applications are suspended
                                             until the user responds to the
                                             message box. Unless the application
                                             specifies MB_ICONHAND, the message
                                             box does not become modal until
                                             after it is created; consequently,
                                             the parent window and other windows
                                             continue to receive messages
                                             resulting from its activation.
                                             System-modal message boxes are
                                             used to notify the user of serious,
                                             potentially damaging errors that
                                             require immediate attention (for
                                             example, running out of memory).
                        MB_TASKMODAL         Same as MB_APPLMODAL except that
                                             all the top-level windows
                                             belonging to the current task
                                             are disabled if the hwndParent
                                             parameter is NULL. This flag
                                             should be used when the calling
                                             application or library does not
                                             have a window handle available
                                             but still needs to prevent input
                                             to other windows in the current
                                             application without suspending
                                             other applications.

                        MB_YESNO             The message box contains two push
                                             buttons: Yes and No.
                        MB_YESNOCANCEL       The message box contains three
                                             push buttons: Yes, No, and Cancel.

                        #define MB_OK                  0 // 0x0000
                        #define MB_OKCANCEL            1 // 0x0001
                        #define MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE    2 // 0x0002
                        #define MB_YESNOCANCEL         3 // 0x0003
                        #define MB_YESNO               4 // 0x0004
                        #define MB_RETRYCANCEL         5 // 0x0005
                        #define MB_TYPEMASK           15 // 0x000F
                        #define MB_ICONHAND           16 // 0x0010
                        #define MB_ICONQUESTION       32 // 0x0020
                        #define MB_ICONEXCLAMATION    48 // 0x0030
                        #define MB_ICONASTERISK       54 // 0x0040
                        #define MB_ICONMASK          240 // 0x00F0
                        #define MB_ICONINFORMATION     MB_ICONASTERISK
                        #define MB_ICONSTOP            MB_ICONHAND
                        #define MB_DEFBUTTON1          0 // 0x0000
                        #define MB_DEFBUTTON2        256 // 0x0100
                        #define MB_DEFBUTTON3        512 // 0x0200
                        #define MB_DEFMASK          3840 // 0x0F00
                        #define MB_APPLMODAL           0 // 0x0000
                        #define MB_SYSTEMMODAL      4096 // 0x1000
                        #define MB_TASKMODAL        8192 // 0x2000
                        #define MB_NOFOCUS         32768 // 0x8000

   Returns:             The return value is 0 if there is no enough
                        memory to create the message box. Otherwise,
                        it is one of the following menu-item values
                        returned by the dialogbox:

                        Value      Meaning

                        IDABORT    Abort button was selected.
                        IDCANCEL   Cancel button was selected.
                        IDIGNORE   Ignore button was selected.
                        IDNO       No button was selected.
                        IDOK       OK button was selected.
                        IDRETRY    Retry button was selected.
                        IDYES      Yes button was selected.

                        #define IDOK                1
                        #define IDCANCEL            2
                        #define IDABORT             3
                        #define IDRETRY             4
                        #define IDIGNORE            5
                        #define IDYES               6
                        #define IDNO                7

                        If a message box has a Cancel button, the IDCANCEL
                        value will be returned if either the ESC key is
                        pressed or the Cancel button is selected. If the
                        message box has no Cancel button, pressing ESC has
                        no effect.

   Observations:        FiveWin supplies as built-in function the most
                        common used messagebox styles. See Msg...() functions.

   Sample:              SAMPLES\\TestMsg.prg

   Source code:         SOURCE\\WINAPI\\MsgBox.c

   See also:            MsgInfo() MsgAlert() MsgYesNo()
                        MsgRetryCancel() MsgAbout() MsgBeep() MsgMeter()

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