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 GetStockObject()       Retrieves the handle of a predefined stock pens

   Syntax:              GetStockObject( <nObjectType> )  --> <hGDIObject>


   <nObjectType>        Specifies the type of stock object for which to
                        retrieve the handle. This parameter can be one
                        of the following values:

                        #define OEM_FIXED_FONT      10
                        #define ANSI_FIXED_FONT     11
                        #define ANSI_VAR_FONT       12
                        #define SYSTEM_FONT         13
                        #define DEVICE_DEFAULT_FONT 14
                        #define DEFAULT_PALETTE     15
                        #define SYSTEM_FIXED_FONT   16
                        #define WHITE_PEN            6
                        #define BLACK_PEN            7
                        #define NULL_PEN             8

                        #define WHITE_BRUSH          0
                        #define LTGRAY_BRUSH         1
                        #define GRAY_BRUSH           2
                        #define DKGRAY_BRUSH         3
                        #define BLACK_BRUSH          4
                        #define NULL_BRUSH           5
                        #define HOLLOW_BRUSH         NULL_BRUSH

                        BLACK_BRUSH     Black brush.
                        DKGRAY_BRUSH    Dark-gray brush.
                        GRAY_BRUSH      Gray brush.
                        HOLLOW_BRUSH    Hollow brush.
                        LTGRAY_BRUSH    Light-gray brush.
                        NULL_BRUSH      Null brush.
                        WHITE_BRUSH     White brush.
                        BLACK_PEN       Black pen.
                        NULL_PEN        Null pen.
                        WHITE_PEN       White pen.
                        ANSI_FIXED_FONT Windows fixed-pitch system font.
                        ANSI_VAR_FONT   Windows variable-pitch system font.
                        DEVICE_DEFAULT_FONT     Device-dependent font.

                        OEM_FIXED_FONT  OEM-dependent fixed font.
                        SYSTEM_FONT     System font. By default, Windows uses
                                        the system font to draw menus, dialog
                                        box controls, and other text. In Windows
                                        versions 3.0 and later, the system
                                        font is a variable-pitch font width;
                                        earlier versions of Windows use a
                                        fixed-pitch system font.
                        SYSTEM_FIXED_FONT   Fixed-pitch system font used in
                                        Windows versions Earlier than 3.0.
                                        This object is available for
                                        compatibility with earlier versions of
                        DEFAULT_PALETTE Default color palette. This palette
                                        consists of the static colors in the
                                        system palette.


   <hGDIObject>         The return value is the handle of the specified
                        object if the function is successful. Otherwise,
                        it is NULL.

   Source code:         SOURCE\\WINAPI\\GetStkOb.c

   See also:            GetObject()

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