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X-Hacker.org- FiveWin 1.9.2 - January 97 - Norton Guide
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FiveWin samples guide 2
We do recommend learning FiveWin through samples. Try them, modify them,
feel free to use any part of them you may need.
TESTFLD3.PRG Dinamically building a folder ontop of a Dinamic DialogBox
TESTFNT2.PRG clude "FiveWin.ch"
TESTFOC2.PRG Sample showing how to detect Dialog focused control
TESTFOCU.PRG Controlling focus from one window to another
TESTFOLD.PRG Testing FiveWin own folders controls support
TESTFON2.PRG Some tests with fonts capabilities
TESTFONT.PRG Examples of using different Font on the Window
TESTFORM.PRG Testing the new FiveWin 2.0 Class TForm
TESTGETN.PRG Testing a GET editing a number
TESTGETR.PRG Testing a GET with right justification
TESTGFIL.PRG Testing the new 4th parameter of cGetFile() function
TESTGRAF.PRG Some bussiness graphics using FiveWin
TESTHARD.PRG Returns the serial number of the harddisk !!!
TESTHASH.PRG Testing the new FiveWin nStrHash() function
TESTHD.PRG FiveWin new nSerialHD() number to check the HardDisk serial number
TESTHELP.PRG This sample shows how to use a system windows help.
TESTHEX.PRG Testing the FiveWin Integer to Hexadecimal conversion function
TESTHTM.PRG ction Main()
TESTICO.PRG Animations using Icons and Timers
TESTICON.PRG Playing with icons...
TESTIDLE.PRG FiveWin - Idle intervals management control - Background processing!
TESTINI.PRG Sample showing how to use INI files with FiveWin
TESTINI2.PRG Using Windows .INI files FOR configuration inFormation .
TESTJOY.PRG JoyStick Interface functions for FiveWin.
TESTKEY.PRG Testing Keyboard management
TESTKEY2.PRG clude "FiveWin.ch"
TESTKEYS.PRG SET KEY management in FiveWin
TESTLBX.PRG ListBox use sample
TESTLBX2.PRG Placing bitmaps at standard ListBoxes in FiveWin
TESTLBX3.PRG Using ListBoxes to perform simple selections
TESTLBX4.PRG Using ListBoxes with Multiple-Selection
TESTLFN.PRG Testing Windows 95 long filenames FiveWin support functions
TESTLIB.PRG FiveWin - LIB files management functions !!!
TESTLIB2.PRG Testing the new FiveWin TLibFile Class
TESTLOOP.PRG Sample showing how to create controls inside loops...
TESTMAIL.PRG FiveWin - Windows MAPI (mail services) support demonstration
TESTMBAR.PRG Testing different fonts in the MsgBar
TESTMBRS.PRG Managing multiple ButtonBars sample
TESTMDI.PRG Working with MDI enviroments
TESTMDI2.PRG Starting learning MDI enviroments
TESTMDI3.PRG Starting learning MDI enviroments
TESTMDI4.PRG This is an example of how to place controls inside a MDIChild
TESTMDI5.PRG Using MDIChilds with user defined styles
TESTMDI6.PRG Controlling MDI menus - Dynamically changing MDIChild windows menus
TESTMDI7.PRG How to place a Bitmap logo onto a MDI environment!
TESTMDI8.PRG Placing a Browse inside a MdiChild window !
TESTMDI9.PRG Testing the PullDown menu predefined built options
TESTMDIX.PRG This is an example of how to place controls inside a MDIChild
TESTMDIY.PRG Using MDIChildren with user defined styles .
TESTMEM2.PRG Some customers tests
TESTMEMO.PRG This sample shows how to manage a Memo editing
TESTMENU.PRG A sample for use a simply menu...
TESTMETR.PRG Testing FiveWin own meter controls
TESTMGET.PRG Some testing on INI files, Dialogs and printing
TESTMMD.PRG Testing the mouse in a MDI environment
TESTMMT.PRG FiveWin MsgMeter() function working sample
TESTMNU.PRG Storing a PullDown menu into a DBF
TESTMNU2.PRG Testing PullDown Menus
TESTMNU3.PRG PullDown Menu sample
TESTMNU4.PRG Some PullDown menu samples
TESTMNU5.PRG This sample shows how to perform a MenuItem action,
TESTMOUS.PRG Testing the Mouse events
TESTMRU.PRG FiveWin new MRU technology ! Really cool !!!
TESTMSG.PRG Testing Message standard Dialog Boxes
TESTMSG2.PRG New Msg... functions feature which automatically converts value to strings
TESTMSG3.PRG The new FiveWin messageBars !!!
TESTNET.PRG Using Windows some NetWork DialogBoxes services
TESTNOM.PRG Some NonModal DialogBox testing
TESTNOMO.PRG Testing Non-Modal DialogBoxes
TESTNTX.PRG Testing the FiveWin cNtxKey() function to extract a NTX key from a file
TESTOBJ.PRG FiveWin - OBJ files manipulation sample
TESTOERR.PRG Testing the new FiveWin OBJECTS engine: User Defined error handler!
TESTOLE.PRG OLE2 support from FiveWin !!!
TESTOP.PRG Testing the new FiveWin OBJECTS 4.0 engine operators-overloading feature!
TESTPAGE.PRG Testing the new FiveWin TPages Class
TESTPARA.PRG Testing Clipper GetEnv() function from Windows
TESTPARS.PRG Testing FiveWin parser machine
TESTPASS.PRG Small sample showing how to request a password previous to main window
TESTPIE.PRG Testing Pie function and Pie parameters usage
TESTPOLY.PRG Drawing Polygons using Windows API
TESTPOP.PRG Testing Popup Menus in FiveWin
TESTPOP2.PRG Testing a Popup Menu from resources
TESTPORT.PRG Testing new FiveWin hardware ports manipulation functions
TESTPRN.PRG Printing a whole window sample
TESTPRN1.PRG This sample shows how to select from code the orientation of the printer
TESTPRN2.PRG Sample showing how to manage the printer object
TESTPROF.PRG FiveWin Profiling techniques
TESTRAD.PRG Radio Buttons management sample
TESTRAD2.PRG Testting some radio buttons
TESTRAD3.PRG More samples with RadioButtons
TESTRAD4.PRG More samples with RadioButtons
TESTRAD5.PRG Radios and WHEN on a GET
TESTRAND.PRG Controlling MDI menus - Dynamic MDIChild windows menus
TESTREAD.PRG Testing FRead() function under Windows
TESTREG.PRG Managing Register services from FiveWin
TESTREP1.PRG This is a demo of the FiveWin report Engine
TESTRES.PRG Sample showing how to use dialogs stored inside a DLL
TESTRES2.PRG Testing FiveWin HasResources( <cExeName> ) function
TESTRPT2.PRG FiveWin own report engine sample
TESTRPT3.PRG Some more reports
TESTRPT4.PRG More reports...
TESTRPT5.PRG More reports...
TESTRUN.PRG This sample shows how to use new FiveWin Run() function which executes
TESTSAY.PRG A small sample showing how to use :Say() with fonts
TESTSCRL.PRG Sample how to use ScrollBars
TESTSIZE.PRG How to control authorized position, size and tracking dimensions
TESTSOCK.PRG Managing TCP/IP sockets from FiveWin
TESTSTR.PRG We are loading strings from a RC = TestStr.rc
TESTSTY2.PRG A Dialog Box with no border and caption
TESTSTYL.PRG Using alternatives window styles sample
TESTSYSM.PRG Redefining the system menu of a window
TESTTABS.PRG Testing new FiveWin Tabs !!!
TESTTCB2.PRG Last revision: April 11, 1995 at 10:52
TESTTCB3.PRG Last revision: March 30, 1995 at 12:58
TESTTCBR.PRG Last revision: June 18, 1995 at 10:49
TESTTFN.PRG Testing the new function cTempFile which returns a temporary filename
TESTTIM2.PRG Using Time-Class Objects
TESTTIM3.PRG This sample shows how to call a function in an interval time.
TESTTIME.PRG Using Timers. Timers are also Objects!
TESTTOK.PRG Testing the FiveWin function StrToken()
TESTTOOL.PRG Testing Windows ToolHelp.dll
TESTTOP.PRG Testing how to keep an application at top
TESTTXED.PRG clude "FiveWin.ch"
TESTTYPE.PRG ction Main()
TESTVBX1.PRG FiveWin - VBX Visual Basic controls management tutorial
TESTVBX2.PRG FiveWin - VBX Visual Basic controls management tutorial
TESTVBX3.PRG FiveWin - VBX Visual Basic controls management tutorial
TESTVBX4.PRG FiveWin: Using Tabs VBXs samples
TESTVBX5.PRG FiveWin - VBX Visual Basic controls management tutorial
TESTVBX6.PRG FiveWin - VBX Visual Basic controls management tutorial
TESTVERS.PRG Do you want to see the Windows & Dos Version
TESTVID.PRG A sample showing Multimedia VIDEO extensions capabilities
TESTWAIT.PRG Testing the FiveWin MsgWait() function
TESTWHEN.PRG Testing the WHEN clause in controls
TESTWRIT.PRG Sample showing how to manipulate external apps from FiveWin
TESTWSTY.PRG Testing Windows Styles!
TESTYACC.PRG Testing FiveWin YACC Machine !!!
TESTZIP.PRG FiveWin ZIP files unzip management !!!
TOOLTIP.PRG This sample shows how to easily implement 'tool-tips' in FiveWin!
TOPAPP.PRG Sample showing how to put on top any other application
TRABAJA.PRG clude "FiveWin.ch"
TSTBTNBM.PRG A nice text + BitmapedButtons MultiMedia sample!
TUTOR01.PRG Typical Welcome message, from Windows!
TUTOR02.PRG Our first Window in Windows !!!
TUTOR03.PRG Our first Window, now with Control events examples and with a message bar
TUTOR04.PRG We are going to build a PullDown menu and we are going to assign it
TUTOR05.PRG This is the same exercise we have done at Tutor04, but now
TUTOR06.PRG In this exercise we are going to build Dialog Boxes directly from
TUTOR07.PRG More work on previuos Tutor06
TUTOR08.PRG First works with browses
TWOCLASS.PRG How to declare two Classes in just one PRG file
USERID.PRG Use this function to Register your EXEs before distributing them
VBXCLASS.PRG VBX internal inspector
VIEWICO.PRG An easy sample showing how to develop an Icons viewer
VISREP.PRG clude "FiveWin.ch"
WIN95.PRG FiveWin Windows 95 new controls implementation
WIN95_2.PRG Managing Windows 95 Trees !!!
WINEXEC.PRG Generic winexec tester. It will display any app WinExec return code
WININSPE.PRG Inspecting the Windows API msgs. Just for advanced users!
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