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 How do I use ODBC ?

   First, the most important thing you have to do is to properly configure
   ODBC used in Windows.

   ODBC drivers and Windows MUST be properly configured at the USER level
   to function correctly. You can not develop an ODBC application that
   will work unless everybody has ODBC properly installed in their computers.
   ODBC is not 'self-contained' like the CA-Clipper DBFs management
   (where you can generate your DBFs and indexes on the fly!).

   ODBC requires some specific installation. Basically, Windows needs to
   know exactly, in advance, which DataBases are going to be used through
   ODBC, where they are and what drivers will they use.

   There is a ODBC xBase driver, provided by Microsoft but it is not
   AT ALL as powerful as CA-Clipper RDDs. Keep this in mind.

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