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 Using Borland's Resource WorkShop

* How to place a FiveWin Browse in a DialogBox:

   1. Select the custom control toolbar button (it shows a little key on

   2. You will be prompted for the name of the custom control to use:
      Write TWBrowse.

   3. Draw the browse area on the Dialog Box and double click on it.

   4. Add the following styles at the bottom:


   5. To check that everything is ok from inside the Resource WorkShop,
      select the PullDown menu option: "Edit as text"

      The text may show an entry like this:

      CONTROL "", 110, "TWBrowse", 0 | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VSCROLL | WS_BORDER, 4, 23, 117, 104

      Instead 110 you will select the desired ID for your browse control.

   6. Review the RC and DLLs we provide in the SAMPLES directory to see how
      we do it.

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