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   TWindow:ReSize( <nSizeType>, <nWidth>, <nHeight> )  --> 0


<nSizeType>   Determines the type of resize operation that is executed.

              Specifies the type of resizing requested. This parameter can be
              one of the following values:

              Value   Meaning

              SIZE_MAXIMIZED  Window has been maximized.
              SIZE_MINIMIZED  Window has been minimized.
              SIZE_RESTORED   Window has been resized, but neither the
              SIZE_MINIMIZED  nor SIZE_MAXIMIZED value
              SIZE_MAXHIDE    Message is sent to all pop-up windows when some
                              other window is maximized.
              SIZE_MAXSHOW    Message is sent to all pop-up windows when some
                              other window has been restored to its former size.

              #define SIZE_RESTORED       0
              #define SIZE_MINIMIZED      1
              #define SIZE_MAXIMIZED      2
              #define SIZE_MAXSHOW        3
              #define SIZE_MAXHIDE        4

<nWidth>      The new width of the window in pixels.

<nHeight>     The new height of the window in pixels.

This method is called whenever the window is resized. It receives
information about the new size and how the resizing came to be (ie the
window was maximized, minimized etc.). In turn the Resize() method will
call the adjust methods of both Buttonbar and the messagebar (if
available) to adjust their size also. After that a call is made to the
bResized instance variable (if available) with both the width and the
height passes as parameters to the bResized codeblock.

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