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METHOD Activate CLASS TWindow Activate window

       TWindow():Activate( cShow, bLClicked, bRClicked, bMoved, bResized,   
           bPainted,; bKeyDown, bInit, bUp, bDown, bPgUp, bPgDown,;         
           bLeft, bRight, bPgLeft, bPgRight, bValid, bDropFiles ) --> Self  

<cShow>     This character string determines the 'visibility status'
            of the window when it is displayed. It can be one of the
            following strings:

            "NORMAL"      Show the window 'normal' ie with the size as
                          defined by ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom,
                          ::nRight. This is the default value.

            "ICONIZED"    The window will be shown iconized on the

            "MAXIMIZED"   Show the window in it largest possible size
                          ie it will cover the entire screen.

<bLClicked> This codeblock will be executed whenever there is a click
            of the left mouse button on the window. The codeblock will
            be called with three parameters:

                <nRow>      The pixel row where the mouse cursor was
                            positioned when the mouse click occurred.

                <nCol>      The pixel column where the mouse cursor
                            was positioned when the mouse click

                <nKeyFlags> Indicates which virtual keys are down and
                            if the right or the middle mouse button was
                            pressed also.

                            It can be a combination of the following
                            values which have the following constant
                            names in the MS-Windows API description::

                            MK_RBUTTON  2   The right mouse button was
                                            pressed also.

                            MK_SHIFT    4   The <Shift> key was

                            MK_CONTROL  8   The <ctrl> key was pressed.

                            MK_MBUTTON  16  The middle mouse button was

<bRClicked> This codeblock will be executed whenever there is a click
            of the right mouse button on the window. The codeblock will
            be called with three parameters:

                <nRow>      The pixel row where the mouse cursor was
                            positioned when the mouse click occurred.

                <nCol>      The pixel column where the mouse cursor
                            was positioned when the mouse click

                <nKeyFlags> Indicates which virtual keys are down and
                            if the right or the middle mouse button was
                            pressed also. For more information on the
                            possible values of <nKeyFlags> look at the
                            documentation of <bLCicked> parameter

<bMoved>    Currently not used.

<bResized>  This code block will be called whenever a window is
            resized. When <bresized> is called it will be passed two

            <nWidth>    The new width of the window in pixels.

            <nHeight>   The new height of the window in pixels.

<bPainted>  This code block will be called whenever the window is
            repainted (ie the window receives a WM_PAINT message from
            MS-Windows).  When <bPainted> is called it receives one
            parameter and that is a reference to the TWindow() object

<bKeyDown>  Whenever the window has focus and a NON-SYSTEM key is
            pressed (ie the <Alt> key was not pressed in conjunction
            with this key), this codeblock will be called. When <
            bKeyDown> is called it receives two parameters:

            <nKey>      The virtual key code of the key.

            <nFlags>    Specifies several internal values like repeat
                        code and scan code. For more information about
                        these values please read a MS-Windows API
                        description about the WM_KEYDOWN message.

<bInit>     This codeblock will be executed after the window is
            displayed for the first time. It receives one parameter
            which is a reference to the tWindow object itself.

<bUp>       Whenever the VSCROLL keyword is used when a TWindow()
            object is defined, this codeblock will be called when the
            'up' arrow of the vertical scrollbar is clicked upon. It
            receives no parameters.

<bDown>     Whenever the VSCROLL keyword is used when a TWindow()
            object is defined, this codeblock will be called when the
            'down' arrow of the vertical scrollbar is clicked upon. It
            receives no parameters.

<bPgUp>     Whenever the VSCROLL keyword is used when a TWindow()
            object is defined, this codeblock will be called when the
            vertical scrollbar receives a 'pageup' message (ie
            the shaft of the scrollbar was clicked above the
            scrollbox).  It receives no parameters.

<bPgDown>   Whenever the VSCROLL keyword is used when a TWindow()
            object is defined, this codeblock will be called when the
            vertical scrollbar receives a 'pagedown' message (ie the
            shaft of the scrollbar was clicked above the scrollbox).
            It receives no parameters.

<bLeft>     Whenever the HSCROLL keyword is used when a TWindow()
            object is defined, this codeblock will be called when the
            'left' arrow of the horizontal scrollbar is clicked upon.
            It receives no parameters.

<bRight>    Whenever the HSCROLL keyword is used when a TWindow()
            object is defined, this codeblock will be called when the
            'right' arrow of the horizontal scrollbar is clicked upon.
            It receives no parameters.

<bPgLeft>   Whenever the HSCROLL keyword is used when a TWindow()
            object is defined, this codeblock will be called when the
            horizontal scrollbar receives a 'pageleft' message (ie the
            shaft of the scrollbar was clicked left of the scrollbox).
            It receives no parameters.

<bPgRight>  Whenever the HSCROLL keyword is used when a TWindow()
            object is defined, this codeblock will be called when the
            vertical scrollbar receives a 'pageright' message (ie the
            shaft of the scrollbar was clicked to the right of the
            scrollbox).  It receives no parameters.

<bValid>    If this codeblock is passed it will be called whenever the
            window should be closed. <bValid> has to return a logical
            value to indicate whether or not the window is allowed to

<bDropFiles>  This codeblock is called whenever files are dropped on
              the window. When <bDropFiles> is called ir receives three

                  <nRow>        The row (in pixels) where the file(s)
                                were dropped.

                  <nCol>        The column (in pixels) where the
                                file(s) were dropped.

                  <aFileNames>  This array contains all the file names
                                of the files that were dropped on the

  Shows the window and start interacting with it. The Activate method starts
  the main application event loop if not already working.

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