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 New           Constructor Method

 Syntax:         TPen():New( <nStyle>, <nWidth>, <nColor>, <oDevice> )  --> <oPen>


 <nStyle>        The pen style.

        It can be one of the following values:

        PS_SOLID    Creates a solid pen.
        PS_DASH     Creates a dashed pen. (Valid only when the pen width is 1.)
        PS_DOT      Creates a dotted pen. (Valid only when the pen width is 1.)
        PS_DASHDOT  Creates a pen with alternating dashes and dots. (Valid only
                    when the pen width is 1.)
        PS_DASHDOTDOT  Creates a pen with alternating dashes and double dots.
                    (Valid only when the pen width is 1.)
        PS_NULL     Creates a null pen.
        PS_INSIDEFRAME  Creates a pen that draws a line inside the frame of
                    closed shapes produced by graphics device interface (GDI)
                    output functions that specify a bounding rectangle (for
                    example, the Ellipse, Rectangle, RoundRect, Pie, and Chord
                    functions). When this style is used with GDI output
                    functions that do not specify a bounding rectangle (for
                    example, the LineTo function), the drawing area of the pen
                    is not limited by a frame.


        #define PS_SOLID            0
        #define PS_DASH             1
        #define PS_DOT              2
        #define PS_DASHDOT          3
        #define PS_DASHDOTDOT       4
        #define PS_NULL             5
        #define PS_INSIDEFRAME      6

 <nWidth>        The width of the Pen expressed in logical units.

 <nColor>        An RGB color. By default the device selected color will be

 <oDevice>       An optional device object to use its width as the width
                 unit reference.

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