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 4.4 Drawing bitmaps inside browses

   FiveWin requires that all expressions to be shown on a browse to be of
   character type. The reason for this is that if you specify a number we
   understand it is a handle of a bitmap so there you want to show a

   See SAMPLES\FwBrow.prg:

   @ 1, 1 LISTBOX oLbx FIELDS aHBitmaps[ Max( 1, Clients->Nivel ) ],;
                              Clients->Nombre, Clients->Direccion,;
                              Str( Clients->Edad, 3 ) ;
          HEADERS    "L", "Name", "Address", "Phone", "Age" ;
          FIELDSIZES 16, 240, 310, 114, 24 ;
          SIZE 284, 137 OF oDlg

  aHBitmaps is an array of bitmaps handles, previously loaded with LoadBitmap()
  or ReadBitmap() functions:

   local aHBitMaps:= { ReadBitmap( 0, "..\bitmaps\Level1.bmp" ), ; // BitMaps de 14 x 32
                       ReadBitmap( 0, "..\bitmaps\Level2.bmp" ), ;
                       ReadBitmap( 0, "..\bitmaps\Level3.bmp" ), ;
                       ReadBitmap( 0, "..\bitmaps\Level4.bmp" ),;
                       ReadBitmap( 0, "..\bitmaps\Level5.bmp" ) }

See Also: FwBrow.prg

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