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Handle commands sent to dialog box
   Syntax: TDialog():Command( <nWParam>, <nLParam> ) --> Nil


   <nWParam> This parameter actually holds two pieces of information
             which have the following meaning:

             <nCode> = nHiWord(nWParam). This value specifies the
                                         notification code if the message
                                         is from a control. If the message
                                         is from an accelerator, this
                                         parameter is 1.  If the message
                                         is from a menu, this parameter is

             nID = nLoWord(wParam);      This part represents the
                                         identifier of either an item, a
                                         control or an accelerator.

   <nLParam> This value contains the handle of the control sending the
             message if the message is from a control. Otherwise, this
             parameter is NULL.


   The Command() method is automatically called (by the eventhandler) when
   processing a WM_COMMAND WinApi message.  If a message is processed it
   should return 0.

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