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X-Hacker.org- FiveWin 1.9.2 - January 97 - activate starts interaction with the dialog box
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Activate Starts interaction with the Dialog Box
Syntax: TDialog():Activate( <bClicked>, <bMoved>, <bPainted>,
<lCentered>, <bValid>, <lModal>,
<bInit>, <bRClicked>, <bWhen> ) --> NIL
<bClicked> This codeblock will be executed whenever there is a
click of the left mouse button on the dialog box. The
codeblock will be called with three parameters:
<nRow> The pixel row where the mouse cursor was
positioned when the mouse click
<nCol> The pixel column where the mouse cursor
was positioned when the mouse click
<nKeyFlags> Indicates which virtual keys are down
and if the right or the middle mouse
button was pressed also.
It can be a combination of the following
values which have the following constant
names in the MS-Windows API
MK_RBUTTON 2 The right mouse button was
pressed also.
MK_SHIFT 4 The <Shift> key was
MK_CONTROL 8 The <Ctrl> key was pressed.
MK_MBUTTON 16 The middle mouse button was
<bMoved> Currently not used.
<bPainted> This code block will be called whenever the dialog box is
repainted (ie the dialog box receives a WM_PAINT
message from MS-Windows). When <bPainted> is called it
receives one parameter and that is a reference to the
TDialog() object
<lCentered> Determine whether or not the dialog box should be
centered on the screen when it is displayed. If
<lCentered> is .T. the dialog will be centered
regardless of the coordinates that are stored in
::nTop, ::nLeft. The width and height of the dialog
box however are NOT changed. If <lCentered> is .F.
however the dialog box will be placed on the screen
as the coordinates ::nTop, ::nLeft dictate this.
<bValid> If this codeblock is passed it will be called
whenever the dialog box should be closed. <bValid>
has to return a logical value to indicate whether or
not the dialog box is allowed to close.
<lModal> This parameter determines whether or not this dialog
box will be a MODAL or a NON MODAL dialog box. The
default value is .T. which means that the current
dialog box will be a modal dialog box, ie the program
will continue only after the dialog box is closed.
<bInit> This codeblock will be executed after the dialog box is
displayed for the first time. It receives one parameter
which is a reference to the TDialog() object itself.
<bRClicked> This codeblock will be executed whenever there is a click
of the right mouse button on the dialog box. The
codeblock will be called with three parameters:
<nRow> The pixel row where the mouse cursor was
positioned when the mouse click occurred.
<nCol> The pixel column where the mouse cursor was
positioned when the mouse click occurred.
<nKeyFlags> Indicates which virtual keys are down and
if the right or the middle mouse button was
pressed also. For more information on the
possible values of <nKeyFlags> look at the
documentation of <bLCicked> parameter
<bWhen> This codeblock will be executed just before the dialog
box is shown. The codeblock will be evaluated and called
with three parameters: However if the result is .F.
then the dialog box will NOT be shown.
The Activate() method will actually show the dialog box on the screen.
Before a call to this method is made the dialog box is not yet visible.
Through the parameters Activate() receives, several aspects of the
dialog box are controlled, like whether or not the dialog box is MODAL
or NON-MODAL (<lModal>).
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