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New                  Generic constructor method
   Syntax: TDialog():New( <nTop>, <nLeft>, <nBottom>, <nRight>,;
                          <cCaption, <cResName>, <hResources>, <nStyle>,;
                          <ncClrText>, <nClrBack>, <oBrush>, <oWnd>,;
                          <lPixels>, <oIco>, <oFont> ) --> <oDialog>


   <nTop>    --
               --  These two determine the top left corner of the dialog box.
   <nLeft>   --

   <nBottom> --
               --  The right bottom corner of the dialog box.
   <nRight>  --

   <cCaption>      The title of the dialog box.

   <cResName>      The name of the dialog box structure stored in a resource
                   (either a .DLL or linked to the executable by RC.EXE).

   <hResources>    The handle, which points to the resources that are linked
                   to this application.  If this parameter is not passed
                   when <cResName> is passed it is assumed that the dialog
                   box structure is stored in either the .EXE file or in
                   the default .DLL.

   <nStyle>        Determines the characteristics of the dialog box. These
                   characteristics are defined by the same values that are
                   used for the <nStyle> parameter of the New() method for
                   the TWindow() class (defined in WINAPI.CH) or one of
                   the following constants which can only be used for a
                   Dialog box:

   <ncClrText>     The foreground color (the color that is used to draw on
                   the dialog box).  This can either be a MS-Windows COLOR
                   number or a CA-CLipper color string (ie "R/G") in which
                   case the nClrBack parameter will be ignored.

   <nClrBack>      The background color of the dialog box. This has to be a
                   MS-Windows COLOR number.

   <oBrush>        The brush used to paint the client area of the dialog box.
                   It is stored in the instance variable ::oBrush.  If none
                   is passed, it will be created by the method SetColor().

   <oWnd>          The TWindow object of which this dialog box is the child
                   window.  If this parameter is not passed it means that
                   this dialog will be linked to the main window of the

   <lPixels>       Logical which determines whether the coordinates passed,
                   will either be in pixels (a la Windows) or on a
                   character base (a la CA-Clipper)

   <oIcon>         The icon that will be used whenever this dialog box is
                   minimized.  If none is passed the icon is USER.EXE
                   (which means you get a small MS-Windows logo as the icon).

   <oFont>         The font that will be used when something is written onto
                   the dialog box or when a control is placed on the
                   dialog box that has no font defined for it.

   <oDialog>   The TDialog object that was created by the New() method.

   This constructor has a lot of parameters, so it quite easy to make a
   mistake. It is easier, both for you and for someone who is reading your
   code, to use the DEFINE DIALOG statement.

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