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Configure the laser printer to print with the correct page size, orientation,
and number of copies


hpConfig( [<cPageSize> [,<cOrient> [,<nCopies> [,<cPrinter>]]]] )


The name of the paper size to be loaded in the laser
printer.  Defaults to 'LETTER'.  The following
expressions for <cPagesize> are supported:
"LETTER"        8 1/2' x 11' standard size paper.
"LEGAL"         8 1/2' x 14' paper.
"EXEC"          7 1/4' x 10 1/2' paper.
"A4"            210mm x 297mm paper
"LETENV"        3 7/8' x 7 1/2' Monarch envelope.
"BUSENV"        4 1/8' x 9 1/2' envelope.
"DLENV"         110mm x 220mm International DL envelope.
"C5ENV"         162mm x 229mm International C5 envelope.

Selects portrait or landscape orientation.  Defaults to
"P".  Values can be:
"P"     Portrait
"L"     Landscape

The desired number of copies to be printed. <nCopies>
must be a number from 1 to 99.  If <nCopies> is omitted,
Escape! will default the number of copies to 1 (this can
be changed later with hpCopy()).

The HP printer model which the application will be
printing to.  Defaults to "II".  Escape! will use this
information in order to determine the optimal way to
perform the desired tasks.  Values can be:
"I"     original LaserJet
"+"     LaserJet +
"500"   LaserJet 500
"IIP"   LaserJet series IIP
"IIP+"  LaserJet series IIP+
"II"    LaserJet series II
"IID"   LaserJet series IID
"IIIP"  LaserJet series IIIP
"III"   LaserJet series III
"IIID"  LaserJet series IIID
"IIISI" LaserJet series IIIsi
"2000"  LaserJet 2000
If the printer you own is not in the above list,  specify
the model which most closely matches your printer



Invalid paper size specified.

Incorrect parameter type was passed.

Unsupported printer specified.


hpConfig() (as well as hpSetFont()) must be called at the beginning of
your printing applications any time one of the other Escape! library
functions is used.  Besides setting the paper size, orientation and
number of copies, hpConfig() also initializes variables which are critical
in order for the other Escape! library functions to perform properly.

Support By

All HP Laser Printers.


hpConfig('LETTER', 'P', 1, 'II')
.          // your printing application

See Also: hpSetup() hpSetFont()

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