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    Information common to all EDLIN commands

    The following information applies to all EDLIN commands:

    .   With the exception of the Edit Line command, all commands are a
        single letter.

    .   With the exception of the End Edit and Quit Edit commands, commands
        are usually preceded and/or followed by parameters.

    .   Enter commands and string parameters in uppercase, or lowercase, or
        a combination of both.

    .   Separate commands and parameters with delimiters for readability;
        however, a delimiter is only required between two adjacent line
        numbers. Remember, delimiters are spaces or commas.

    .   Commands become effective only after you press the Enter key.

    .   Stop commands by pressing the Ctrl-Break keys.

    .   For commands producing a large amount of output, press Ctrl-S (or
        Pause) to suspend the display so that you can read it before it
        scrolls away. Press any other character to restart the display.

    .   Use the control keys and DOS editing keys while using EDLIN. They
        are very useful for editing within a line, while the EDLIN com-
        mands can be used for editing operations on entire lines.

    .   The prompt from EDLIN is an asterisk (*).

    .   It is possible to refer to line numbers relative to the current
        line. Use a minus (-) sign and a number to indicate a line before
        the current line. Use a plus (+) sign and a number to indicate a
        line after the current line. For example:


        This command displays 10 lines before the current line, the current
        line, and 10 lines after the current line.

    .   Multiple commands can be entered on one command line. When you enter
        the command to edit a single line using [line], you must use a
        semicolon to separate the commands on the line. In the case of the
        Search or Replace commands the [string] can be terminated by Ctrl-Z
        (F6) instead of the Enter key. Otherwise, one command can follow an-
        other without any special delimiting characters. For example:


        edits line 15 and then displays lines 10 through 20 on the screen.

    .   Control characters can be inserted into the text, or can be used in
        the strings for the Search and Replace Text commands. To enter a
        control character, press Ctrl-V, then enter the desired control
        character in uppercase. For example, the sequence Ctrl-V, followed
        by Z generates the control character Ctrl-Z.}......!.#......................DxIn{hnst}:nr.:_VST:jhu}h{wDx....Nu:in{hn:_VST6:ncj. ....D[+\A~ GAj{nrG_VST:A~ GAj{nrG|sv.t{w.A4.bnGA5XGD[+\.....Dx_~snst}:{t:.bsinst}:|sv.Dx....S|:nr.:ij.ys|s.~:|}t{n.~:uh:~.|{ovn:~hsl.6:nr....|sv.:si:vu{~.~:stnu:w.wuhc:otnsv:w.wuhc:si:-/?:|ovv4:S|:nr.:.tnsh....|sv.:si:vu{~.~6:nr.:|uvvumst}:w.ii{}.:{t~:jhuwjn:si:~sijv{c.~ ....Dx_t~:u|:stjon:|sv.Dx...Dx0EDx....Cuo:y{t:nr.t:.~sn:nr.:|sv.4....DxTun. Dx...S|:cuo:r{l.:tung7172.php

See Also: DOS keys line string

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