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-900    S_NOSPACE
        No more space on file.See the note in the Referece Manual
        description for function d_trend about a tecnique for dealing with this
        error under normal operations. However, this error often occurs when
        an aplication program bug has corrupted the db_VISTA runtime memory.

-901    S_SYSERR
        System error.This error generally occurs when the db_VISTA runtime
        memory has been corrupted.

-902    S_FAULT
        Virtual memory page fault.This error generally occurs when the
        db_VISTA runtime memory has been corrupted.

-903    S_NOWORK
        NO working key file. This error generally occurs when the db_VISTA
        runtime memory has been corrupted.

-904    S_NOMEMORY
        Unable to allocate sufficient memory. There is not enough available
        memory for all of the required db_VISTA runtime tables. Try calling
        d_setpages with fewer pages before calling d_open.

-905    S_NOFILE
        Unable to open file.Anerror occurred when the runtime tried to open a
        data file,key file,or log file.Usually it's because the file doesn't
        exist.It could ,however,be some other error.You can check C's errno flag
        for particular error code. Also ,check your files limit in config.sys
        and confirm that all files in DDL are on disk.

        Unable to lock the transaction activity file. If you are running on
        MS_DOS, be sure you've installed SHARE. This error should never
        occur since it is highly unlikely that the TAF could remain locked for
        the amount of time required for this error to be genarated. If it does
        occur ,retry your d_trend. Confirm your dbtaf path, and be sure the
        TAF file is flagged for read, write, and shareable. If tje error persists,
        it may be that TAF has somehow been deleted.

-907       S_DBLERR
           Error opennig or reading transaction activity file. You can check C's
           errno flag for the particular error code. Often, this error can be
           corrected by making the TAF and/or LOG file directories and files
           readable and writeable by multiple users. On a NOVELL network, for
           example, the files should be created before an aplication uses them,
           and their attributes must be set to read,write and shareable.

-908       S_BADLOCKS
           Inconsistent database locks. Detected by d_recfree or d_setfree. This
           error generally occurs when the db_VISTA runtime memory has been

-909       S_RECLIMIT
           Maximum records per file limit reached. You may be the first to have
           actualy reached this milestone. Congratulations are probably not in
           order, however, since you're not sure what to do now. The first step is
           to determine if old data can be purged or off-loaded. If so,you'll
           need to write a program to do it. If  not,you'll need to reorganize
           your databse somewhat. If there are multiple record types in the
           file,you can split them into separate files (using db_REVISE or dbexp
           and dbimp). You might explore spliting the offending record type into
           several and dividing the record occurences based on the content of
           a principal key field (e.g. all names begining with A-M in record 1
           and those with N-Z in record 2).

-910       S_KEYERR
           Key file inconsistency detected. This error generally occurs when the
           db_VISTA runtime memory has been corrupted. Run keybuild if
           dbcheck reveals a corrupted key file.

-911       S_USERLIMIT
           Limit of concurrent db_VISTA users reached.This limit is detected
           by the lock manager and can be set by a lock manager command line
           option when it is installed. Run lokmgr with the -u option. For
           more information, see page 156 of the User's Guide.

-912       S_FSEEK
           Seek error on database file.You can check C's errno flag for the
           particular error code.If it occurs during normal operation, the
           error occured on the log file,and could indicate a lack of available
           disk space.If it occurs during a recovery, it most likely means
           that the log file has been corrupted. If no errors are reported,
           decide whether or not you want to continue. (db_VISTA will run
           fine but dbcheck only detects system-dependent inconsistencies, not
           application-dependent inconsistencies).If error are reported, you'll
           need restore from the most recent backup of the databse.

-913       S_INVFILE
           Invalid file specified. No more infomation.

-914       S_READ
           Read error on database file.See S_FSEEK discusion above.

-915       S_NETSYNC
           Network syncronization error. Aninvalid message packet received
           from the lock manager.It could be a transmission error.If only one
           process has received this error,take it down and bring it back up.
           If this fails to resolve the problem or if other processes are
           getting the error, take the entire system down,including the lock
           manager,and restart.If the error persists,most likely there is an
           error in your network.

-916       S_DEBUG
           Debugging check interrupt.Canonly be issued from a user call to
           dberr, (e.g. dberr(S_DEBUG)).It is used to access dberr's debuging
           capablities (whem enabled).

-917       S_NETERR
           A network error occured. Function neterr has already been called
           with the network error code. Recovery from this error will depend
           upon your network. A retry of the operation may be all that is
           necessary,however. If possible,increase the number of NetBIOS

-918       S_RECOVERY
           This code is returned from a lock request function or d_open
           whenever an automatic recovery operation occurs. Function
           dbautorec (defined in dberr.c) called dberr with this error
           code.It is instead to inform the user that a recovery
           operaion occured.

-919       S_WRITE
           Write error on database file.See S_FSEEK discusion above.

-920       S_NOLOCKMGR
           Unable to open manager session.The lock manager has not been
           installed.Install it and restart the application program.

-921       S_DUPUSERID
           The userid for this process is already being used by another
           process on the system. If you are using a DBUSERID that has been
           used on another workstation,it may be necessary to run cleardb on
           the previous workstation to remove the DBUSERID from the NetBIOS
           name table.

-922       S_LMBUSY
           The lock manager is busy. Retry the request.Try increasing the
           number of users (via the -u option) when running the lock manager.
           Also, if this is followed by a -917 error ,your local NetBIOS
           session table may be full. See section 7.8.3 in the User's Guide.

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