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X-Hacker.org- dBsee 4.6 - The Library - Norton Guide
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Generation of Methods
the word %FORM% must be interpreted as the name of the object
ES. %FORM%EXE() on the object CLIENT equals CLIENTEXE()
%FORM%EXE() Excutes the object
%FORM%DBF() Opening of the database
%FORM%ACT() Initialization of the object
%FORM%UPW() Displaying of the object
%FORM%INK() Inkey of the object
%FORM%BRK() Command for the break of the object
%FORM%END() Operation for closing of the object
%FORM%GET() Cycle of the get for the FORM
%FORM%DCC() Corresponding Controls
%FORM%DEL() Record Deletion
%FORM%LTT() Log the transaction (Log The Transaction)
%FORM%PTT() Puts the Transaction (Put The Transaction)
%FORM%RTT() Removes the Transaction (Remove The Transaction)
%FORM%ANR() Insertation of a new row in the LIST BOX (Append New Row)
%FORM%MCR() Modification of a row in the LIST BOX (Modify Current Row)
%FORM%ECR() Eliminate a row in the LISTBOX (Erase Current Row)
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