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. Glossary

This appendix will provide a brief description of all the terms used  in dBsee
and in the manual.

. .bat

Extension used for ASCII formatted files containing a sequence  of DOS

. .bkg

Extension used for files containing the background logo of  the

. .dbf

Extension of the data file used by Clipper.

. .dlg

Extension of files use for creating dialog boxes in dBsee.

. .exe

Extension of the programs in executable format.

. .ntx

Extension of Clipper index file.

. .obj

Extension of the files in object format that the compiler  creates by
translating the instructions of the source program.

. .prg

Extension of the Clipper source files.

. .tmg

Extension of grab type template files (see
argument) used  by dBsee.

. .tmp

Extension of template files (see argument) used by dBsee.

. .vgf

Extension used by dBsee to identify Font files.

. Analysis

Preliminary phase in developing an application in which
the  behaviour of the program is studied and the characteristics of the
program are defined.

. Application

Activities defined to solve a specific application
problem,  implemented by an executable program.

. Archive

Group of data divided into records, organised into one or  more fields
(synonym of file).


Acronym for American Standard Code for Information
Interchange. It is the standard used in the PC environment
to represent  the available characters.

. Batch

Procedure that allows to execute a series of operations in  a
sequential order, without asking for Input/Output functionalities. The
transactions (see argument) are batch procedures.

. Bit

Binary digit. Each 0 or 1 used by the standard numerical Binary

. Browse Frame

Part of a data entry format in which each row displays a

. Byte

Most elementary storage unit, usually represented by 8 bits. It is
also the measuring unit used to measure memory capabilities.


Acronym for Computer Aided Software Engineering, or  the
integrated environment for software development assisted by a

. Check Box

Particular type of Control used to indicate the presence or
 absence of a value in a variable or field.

. Clipper

Programming language. Also represents the code compiler.

. Combination Box

Particular type of control, also called Combo Box, that assigns  a
value contained in an associated list to a data element.

. Compatibility

Capability of hardware or software to work with a different  version
of hardware or software that has been used to realise it.

. Compilation

Operation with which the source code is translated into an
object module. A compiler is needed.

. Compiler

Program that transforms high level source code, written by  the
programmer, into object code (.obj). This will then be transformed
during the link phase, into executable format (.exe) by the operating

. Compression

Procedure that allows to save files and programs, decreasing  the size
occupied by the data.

. Computer

Electonic data processing machine.

. Configuration (software)

Procedure that determines the functioning parameters of an
application (font, colors, etc.).

. Configuration (hardware)

All the structures used by the system.

. Control

Graphical element contained in an Object (see argument). For  example,
a Box, a Get, a Pushbutton, a RadioButton.

. Copyright

Registered mark

. Cursor

Small area of the screen, highlighted by a different color,  that
identifies the position in which the next character entered will  be placed.

. Database

Data that will be elaborated by an application. A database
 is composed of one or more files.

. Data Dictionary

Group of information that describes the data that the entire
application is based on.

. Data entry

Operation that inserts data into the screen mask.

. Debugging

Phase that allows to verify and correct eventual programming  errors.

. Decimal Separator

Symbol that identifies the separation between the unitary  numbers and
the decimal numbers.

. Deletion sign

Sign that is added within the .DBF file to establish which
record is logically deleted. The record, although still present in  the file,
will no longer be displayed.

. Development

Phase in which the program structure is realised.


Acronym for Disk Operating System, or the operating  system for
computers with disks. It is the most diffused operating  system for Personal

. Drive

Structure for the management of a disk (mass memory).

. Driver

Software structure that allows an operating system to access
particular hardware structures (disk drive, printer, etc.).

. Editing

Text elaboration activity done with the help of a computer.

. Environment

Operating environment in which it is possible to define
the  characteristics of the various parts that make up the project.

. Field

Part of a record contained in a database file in
which it  is possible to store informations.

. File

Group of data divided into records, organised into one or  more fields
(synonym of archive).

. Frame

Rectangular area of the screen.

. Function

Group of instructions that manipulate the data entered as  input.

. Function key

Key that has the activation of a particular function
associated  to it.

. Generator

Module that writes programs in source code format. In dBsee,
module writing CA-Clipper source code.

. Grab

dBsee procedure with which a Template (see argument) is
initialized,  setting the generation directives that determine
the main characteristics  of the programs to generate.

. Grouping

A classified together of homogeneous entities. The term usually
refers to a classified together of records that need to be printed  in

. Hard Disk

Mass memory structure contained in the computer.

. Hardware

Physical structures of information systems such as computers,
monitors and printers.

. Help

Help procedure that can be called during the execution of  a

. Highlight Bar

Horizontal row with a different color (or in reverse color  if using a
monochrome monitor) that allows to highlight the selected  element on screen.

. Icon

Particolar type of Control that contains a graphical image
needed to catch the attention of the user on an action that needs  to be

. Index

Pointer that allows to locate the position of a record in  a file.

. Index File

File that contains an ordered list of records saved in a file.
The list is ordered according to the value of the key associated to  the

. Input

Term indicating the data entering a program or function.

. Installation

Procedure that transfers an application to the hard
disk,  configuring the system.

. Key

Expression that allows to identify a record within a file
that contains it. Each key is associated to an index.

. Label

Text associated to a menu voice to which an action or program
is associated.

. Library

Object modules that proceed with homogeneous functions. Within  a
program it is possible to call the functions or procedures inserted  in one or
more functions.

. Linker

Program that concatenates all the opportune modules (.obj  and .lib)
to obtain an executable program (.exe).

. Linking

Procedure for the realization of an executable program, using  a
Linker (see argument).

. List Box

Particolar type of control that allows to display N records
 divided on various columns.

. Lookup

Procedure that executes the "decodification" of a data element  in
order to display the information connected to the data and saved  in other

. Mainframe

Powerful computer.

. Mask

Window used for the introduction or displaying of data.

. Menu

List of options allowing the user to choose the desired functionality.

. Menu Option

Choice listed in a menu.

. Menu label

One of the menu options.

. Mouse

Hardware input device. Allows to move a cursor on the screen  and to
execute operations using a key (click).

. Object

Screen window containing a control able to
execute specific  functionalities.

. Object Dictionary

Environment containing all the characteristics of the
objects that make up an application.

. Office automation

Automation of the office obtained by the use of information  systems
for the writing of texts, data elaboration, design, etc.

. Ordering

Management of information contained in a file for the ordering
 of the records contained in it.

. Package

Group of programs and documentation put together in a single  pack.

. Parameter

Information whose variation determines a different functioning  of the
entity that it is associated to.

. Path

Way to access files containing information. The PATH is
specified  by indicating the sequence of the directories that eventually
contains  the file.

. PC

Acronym for Personal Computer.

. Personal computer

See Computer.

. Picture

Mode in which data is displayed on screen.

. Pop-up

Characteristic of a type of menu in which the various frames
containing the availabe options, when activated, open towards the  bottom.

. Procedure

See Progam.

. Project

Group of procedures that make up an application.

. Program

Commands and functions that allow to execute an activity necessary
for the processing of data.

. Programming Language

Language to describe the algorithms that a compiler translates  into
format that can be executed by the computer.

. Project Repository

Environment in which all the information regarding the
application under development is contained.

. Prompt

Symbol proposed by the computer for the entering of instructions  to
be executed (ex. C:>>).

. Prototype

Simulation of a functioning product.

. Prototyping

Methodology that sees to the functional simulation of
the  final product.

. Pushbutton

Control that, when pressed, activates the associated

. Radio Button

Particolar type of control used to express the accepted,
alternate  values for a field or variable.

. Reconstruction of Indexes

Clipper function that updates the index files.

. Record

Group of fields that represent complete information to save  in a

. Relation

Logical connection between two or more files.

. Report

Object that describes the printing format of the records contained  in
a database file.

. Reverse Engineering

Procedure that rereads the source that allows to make the
manual modifications made to a program permanent.

. Rolling Demo

Autonomous or partially guided program illustrating the main
charachteristics of an application, without allowing the user to interact
with it.

. Routine

Group of instructions. Synonym for program or sub-program.

. Run

Procedure that begins the execution of a program. To start,  enter the
name of the program and confirm with Enter.

. Screen Coordinates

Two values that identify the positioning of a data element  on screen.

. Search Window

Window that allows data to be selected and imported into a
second window where it will be elaborated.

. Software

Application/program that is executed by a computer.

. Software Engineering

Discipline that integrates and formalises methods, instruments  and
procedures relative to the development of software projects (programs).

. Source

ASCII file containing lines of code that make
up a program.

. Source Code

Program written in ASCII (see ASCII) format using the conventions  of
a specific programming language.

. Spin Button

Particular type of Control that allows to modify the value
of a data increasing it or decreasing it with a set step.

. Spreadsheet

Program that allows to manage data in a table form, operating
 and interacting on the tables.

. Standard

Group of specifics identifying the characteristics that are  to be
respected in order for an element to be considered in conform  to defined

. String

Variable containing alphanumerical characters.

. Sub-menu

Menu found at a lower level in comparison to the main menu.

. Symbol

Elemenatry entity uniquely defined in the
application (Field,  Variable, Function). It is inserted in the
given symbols file.

. System File

File used by the operating system.

. Table file

Special type of file, whose management is completely automatic,  in
which data is contained. The file is to contain a limited number  of
fields and records (for example, a list of Tax codes).

. Template

Program containing the generation directives for the
sources  to produce. A template is written using the dBTL language
and is interpreted  by dBsee at run-time.

. Transaction

Update batch process activated on the data after a specific  event.

. User Function

Function defined by the dBsee user.

. User Interface

Interface between the user and the computer. It normally
refers  to the way data is represented on screen.

. Variable

Section of memory in which information is saved. It is uniquely
identified by the name assigned to it.

. Window

Limited area of the screen in which information, different  from that
present in other areas of the screen, can be displayed or  modified.

. Window Object

Object that allows to display the information organised in  rows and
columns with the possibility of horizontal and vertical scrolling. It is
similar to a Browse object in which information can only be  viewed.


Acronym for What You See Is What You Get. Represents  a specific
characteristic of dBsee that allows to design on screen  exactly
what will appear inside the generated program.

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