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                     dBsee : Development environment
- Delete of sub-projects.

                     dBsee : Generated application

The general improve.


 Added support for the Clipper 5.3.


 Added support for the AS/400.


 Added management for the multiple setup.
 Added management for the "of page to page"


 Added a precompiler to avoid the 667 Eval Stack Fault error.

 Added a information for the available handle.

 Added management for the FlexFile and SixDriver 3.0

 Changed the search modality with F8. The F8 key create a temponary
 file for optimize the performance.

 |REAL MODE                                                                 |
 |                                                                          |
 | NTX without CACHE  COMIX without CACHE                                   |
 | +---------------+   +---------------+                                    |
 | |String |OLD|NEW|   |String |OLD|NEW|                                    |
 | |-------+---+---|   |-------+---+---|                                    |
 | |MARK   |26 | 8 |   |MARK   |24 | 5 |                                    |
 | |A      | 2 | 8 |   |A      | 2 | 5 |                                    |
 | |XYZ    |66 | 8 |   |XYZ    |90 | 5 |                                    |
 | +---------------+   +---------------+                                    |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 |PROTECTED MODE                                                            |
 |                                                                          |
 | COMIX without CACHE  COMIX with 2MB of CACHE                             |
 |  +---------------+    +---------------+                                  |
 |  |Stringa|OLD|NEW|    |Stringa|OLD|NEW|                                  |
 |  |-------+---+---|    |-------+---+---|                                  |
 |  |MARK   | 8 | 3 |    |MARK   | 8 | 2 |                                  |
 |  |A      | 1 | 3 |    |A      | 1 | 2 |                                  |
 |  |XYZ    |14 | 3 |    |XYZ    | 8 | 2 |                                  |
 |  +---------------+    +---------------+                                  |
 |                                                                          |
 |The test are express in second. The personal computer is a 486 66 with    |
 |8MB of RAM and the database contains 2000 records.                        |
 |                                                                          |
 |The search of "Mark" is a normal search of name in a database             |
 |The search of "A"    is a search of frequently data                       |
 |The search of "XYZ"  is a search of a inexistet data                      |

 Improved the total refresh.

 Added the redefinition character for the Hot-Key.

 Improved the error management.

 Improved the graphic interface.

 Norton Guide

 Added a documentation


 dfHorBar()    Decrease the request memory
 dfBox()       Decrease the request memory
 ddWit()       Decrease the request memory

 Improved the following function

 dbCfgPal()    Improved
 dbLook()      Improved the positions
 ddDe()        Added support for the automatic multi page form
 ddGenDbf()    Best support for file with the same name or name with @
 ddIndex()     The partial reindex don't activate the PACK
 ddIndexFile() Modify the system message
 ddIndexSys()  Added a  parameter
 ddKey()       Added the positions with the CTRL+Arrow keys
               Improved the search for contents.
 ddQry()       Improved the comparison with 0 (numeric)
               Improved the Date filed management
 ddUpdDbf()    Reconstruct the DBDD indexes before the update of database
 dfColor()     The general improve
 dfIsIPX()     Rewrite
 dfIsSHARE()   Rewrite
 dfFile2Prn()  The general improve
 dfReader()    Improved support for the decimal in a numeric GET
 dfMemo()      Improved the MEMO management
 dfModMou()    Disable the change of mouse cursor in get when is
               activate the debugger
 dfPrnFoo()    Improved the PAGE BANNER formatting.
 dfPrnMenu()   Saves the report parameter in the INI file.
 dfPwdInfo()   Improved the password management.
 dfQryFltDes() e dfQryFltExp() The general improve
 dfQryOpt()    Several optimize for the KEY construction
 dfScrSav()    Modified the screen saver
 dfScrSav3()   Substituted with another screen saver
 dfStrInv()    Improved the return of the function
 dfTView()     Added the MailMerge of the viewer title
 tbFastSeek()  Removed the speed position on the file without index
               Improved the position with filter
 tbGetPai()    Added support for the multiple precomputed
 tbGetVar()    Added the number of modifiable control
 tbInh()       Added support for the inherited on the combo and spin
 tbKey()       Added a parameter
 tbPrnWin()    Added a window title on each page
 tbTag()       Improved the TAG management
 tbTotal()     General improve.

 New Function

 dbNgSay()     Displyas a text in NG style
 df9Bitfont()  Set a 9 bit all fonts
 dfBin2Li()    Executes the BIN2L with inverted string
 dfCalendar()  Activates the calendar
 dfCheckMath() Checks a BUG in the PENTIUM processor
 dfConNum()    Returns the number of connections with a NOVELL SERVER
 dfDiskReady() To check if a drive is ready for the writer
 dfDiskStatus()To check a drive state
 dfExeSize()   Returns a dimension of the executable file
 dfFadeIn()    Executes a FadeIn effect
 dfFadeOut()   Exectes a FadeOut effect
 dfFileDate()  Returns the data of the file
 dfFileSize()  Returns a dimension of thefile
 dfFileTime()  Returns the hour of the file
 dfFloppyType()To check if a drive exist and the drive type
 dfGetPalette()Returns the value of the 16 text palette
 dfHot()       Added the Hot-Key ("") ridefinition
 dfInB()       Allows to take a byte in a port
 dfIniClose()  Allows to close the configuration file
 dfIniOpen()   Allows to open the configuration file
 dfInt86()     Calls a Clipper interrupt
 dfInW()       Allows to take a word in a port
 dfIsDebug()   To check if in the application the debugger is present
 dfIsPirate()  Checks if the program is copied
 dfIsVesa()    To check if a driver VESA is present
 dfLibDate()   Return the data of library
 dfLogOut()    Executes a LOGOUT on a SERVER NOVELL
 dfMakeRegs()  Prepares the register array for the dfInt86 function
 dfMemBase()   Returns the dimension of conventional memory
 dfMemExt()    Returns the dimension of extend (XMS) memory
 dfMsgRol()    Displays a string on the left
 dfMsgRolC()   Displays a string on the center
 dfMsgRolR()   Displays a string on the right
 dfOutB()      To send a byte to the port
 dfOutW()      To send a word to the port
 dfPagGG()     Add days of data
 dfPeekW()     Reads a WORD of the memory
 dfPrnEnd()    Returns the report end string
 dfPrnIni()    Returns the report beginning string
 dfSec2Time()  Converts second in time
 dfStaHdr()    Returns the HW connession code with the SERVER NOVELL
 dfTimer()     Allows to activate the clock
 dfTimeValid() To check if the time is valid
 tbFreeze()    Enable/Disable the Freeze on the first column

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