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 Business Graphics

 It's possible display 3D graph on 640x480x16 VGA screen


 Add a new powerfult filter sistem on the report

 Added various new system settings
 Look at the documentation for dfSet() for greater information

 Improved the referential integrity and transactions systems

 Added the possibility of redefining the colors of disabled buttons

 Added the trace of a application in on network

 Generated with precise accuracy the controls for unique keys

 Added the possibility of have an Windows95 style interface

 Added numerous characteristics to better manage the controls on any

 Added the possibility of the Application Trace

 Added the possibility of use the HTML printer

 Added the Label Printing

 Added the key CTRL+L on the object for Label Printing

 Added some new graphics functions


 Added a space between edit and combo on the variable
 Added the conditionally' of band


 I have changed many of the #define for the report, if using aBuffer
 directly it is recommended to look at the new header file

 Activated the management of conditional bands and dynamic body
 With this version it is possible through use of a CodeBlock to define
 the conditions of a band for the following bands

 VrLoc[ VR_CANHEADER ]     --> Condition on the lines in the Header of VrLoc
 VrLoc[ VR_CANBODY  ]      --> Condition on the lines in the body of VrLoc
 VrLoc[ VR_CANFOOTER ]     --> Condition on the lines in the footer aGrp

 aGrp[ VR_GRP_CANHEADER ]  --> Condition on the Header of group aGrp
 aGrp[ VR_GRP_CANFOOTER ]  --> Condition on the Footer of group aBuffer

 aBuffer[ REP_CANPH ]      --> Condition on the PageHeader aBuffer
 aBuffer[ REP_CANRF ]      --> Condition on the ReportFooter aBuffer
 aBuffer[ REP_CANPF ]      --> Condition on the PageFooter  VrLoc

 VrLoc[ VR_FLOATBODY ]     --> If .T. makes the body dynamic

 Added the ability to skip a array within a report

 VRLoc[ VR_SKIPARRAY ]     --> Array of the record to print

 Added the ability to know if no line was be printed

 aBuffer[REP_EMPTYREPORT] --> If .T. no line on the report

 Compound indexes

 Added the management for compound indexes.

 The compound index is managed only if the (RDD) driver that is used supports
 this type of index, otherwise the management of the indexes is done with the
 normal managements of dBsee: an index is a physical file

 This type of management permits the ability to reduce the number of file
 handles used, in a medium application the handles are reduced to around 1/4
 and recovering about the 20% -  30% of disk space. This is compared to
 traditional management of the indexes (*.ntx type)

 If a database normally uses 10 logical indexes and 10 physical indexes, it is
 possible with the use of compound indexes to use only 10, and only one
 physical index.

 In order to qualify this kind of management you only have to activate the
 following system setting


 and use a database RDD that supports compound indexes
 for instance: DBFCDX (database of FOXPRO type)

 Compound index management currently supports: .CDX, .NSX and .MDX


 Added numerous functions to support Windows95

 Resolved ALL the problems of incompatibility with Windows 95
 Now the application is recognizes as being a Windows95 task and with
 intermittent modification for full support of this environment

 Year 2000

 No more problems with Year 2000


 having realized an alternative mouse engine, that is compatible with
 LightLib and Clipper 5.3 in a way to utilize the standard calls of
 M_dBsee.  but intermittent call to the Clipper 5.3 functions

 In this way it is possible to use Light Lib without problems with the


 Substantial improvements to all the procedures for the AS/400
 Improved the control for numerical values derived from tables
 Added a series of automatisms for the automatic connection with AS/400

 Improvement of the reference integrity


 Improved the management of AXS

 For power use this RDD it is best to only add to the link script
 the following line

 fi dbsee4AX

 This obj dbsee4AX is furnished with the version for AXS with dBsee


 Added the management for FORTRESS
 For power use this RDD it is best to only add to the link script
 the following lines

 fi  dbsee4ft
 fi  ft52
 fi  ftipx52
 lib ft52

 The first obj dbsee4ft is supplied with the version of dBsee for FORTRESS
 of, the others 2 obj's and library depends on the version of  FORTRESS in
 your possession


 Some improvement of the WorkGroup edition


 Notably increased the documentation of the dBsee library
 Added documentation for internal functions
 Added to the documentation manuals for the library

 Modifications in Template

 Modified all the link templates and the RDDLIB.TMP template for
 better support of the Win400  RDD version 3.10

 VALIDQRY.TMP  Added the management of the #* JMP
 UDFQRYGE.TMP  Added an injection point
 PUTCTRL.TMP   Decrease the Network Traffic
 NDBRID.TMP    About 20 % more faster
 DBRID.TMP     About 20 % more faster

 Reduced the generation time of a report

  Modifications to existing functions

 dfPIOn()       Added the possibility to disable the stop button
 dfMMrg()       Added the possibility to do the automatic alltrim with mail merge
 dfCgfPal()     Added the possibility to use F10 key
 dfUse()        Controls accurate and precise in opening of files with a ALIAS
 dfASFile()     Added a control parameter to the library
 ddKey()        Optimized and improved the LOOKUP call with multiple get
                relations with the DBFNDX type ofindexes
 dfIniApp()     Added the possibility to add apps to the dbstart.ini
                for the a customized setting section or in the file apps.ini.
                Settled a problem of reading the default port
 dfNoMouse.obj  Resolved a problem with Exospace
 dfMemoExt()    Added the compatibility for FortRess 0.36
 ddIndexFile()  If the file is already open close then reopen
 ddIndex()      Display the name of the files
 dfPrint()      Improved the management of multitagged support.
 ddKey()        Added the possibility to look for cryptic values
 dbLook()       Permit the salvage of numeric value that is equal to zero
                on character indexes, if the lookup type is LT_NOTMANDATORY
 dbTabChk()     Permit the salvage of numeric value equal to zero
                if the lookup type is LT_NOTMANDATORY
 dfIsMenu()     Revised the set pointer style
 tbFastSeek()   Improven the management of the multiple keys
 dfUseFile()    The database if open on CDROM has the properities of
                READONLY and added the management of AXS files
 dfPrnStart()   Improven the printing in the case of a report with only a body
 ddUpdDbf()     Added the possibility to select the index in which
                do the update
 dfTabPrint()   Improved the printing of numerical fields with a decimal
 dfMenu()       Improved the management of disabling a label
 dfSta()        Improved the printing without skipping over pages
 dbCfgOpe()     Improved the management of the DBFMDX database
 tbSetKey()     Improved the control parameters
 tbFastKey()    Improved the recognition of Upper/Lower in the index
 dbInk()        Addition the possibility of capture the key of the mouse
                with BackFun
 dfPushRec()    Now it's 15 times faster
 dfPrnMenu()    Fixed the display of some properties
 dfWinDirec()   If dont' run under Windows 95 return pass the value to the
                directory function
 ddindex()      Add the check for database inconsistances
 dfLastRec()    Solved a little open problem
 dfLoadRaw()    Some improvement
 dfGetW()       Add some defaults
 dfScrSav2()    Changed for DGROUP problems
 tbInk()        Add the column message
 ddkey()        Now search on a Browse/Listbox with a filter can be
                over 100 times more fast !!!

  New Functions

 M_VGAMOUSE()   Check if the mouse it's activated in VGA mode
 dBsee4AXS()    Check if it's available the AXS support
 dBsee4FT()     Check if it's available the FortRess support
 ddUpdRDD()     Update the the RDD of the database of the application
 dfAXSDefau()   Return the default deriver of AXS
 dfAXSDriver()  Sset the alternative driver for AXS
 dfAXSLoaded()  Check the login on AXS database
 dfAlias2Name() Permit to reascend to the physical file of a certain alias
 dfBackGrap()   Prepares the background for a graph
 dfCapsLock()   Ability to disables the CAPS LOCK
 dfChkDbf()     Controls the correctness of a DBF file
 dfChkFName()   Control the validity of a file
 dfChkPar()     Controls if a parameter is pasted in the command line
 dfDBFHeade()   Permit to retrieve the size of the of a DBF header
 dfDBFRecLe()   Permits to know the record size of the DBF
 dfDateFT()     Call the date form
 dfFontChoi()   Selects a font among those installed
 dfGraph()      Designs a 3D graphic in page graphics
 dfGraph3()     Designs a 3D Graphic in page graphics
 dfGrfBar()     Designs an object on a graphic page
 dfGrfCircl()   Design a circle on a graphic page
 dfGrfLegen()   Design a point legend on a graphic page
 dfIdle()       Release some CPU time with Windows 95, NT e OS/2
 dfIntCS501()   Returns internal 50 lines FONT 1 of the application
 dfIntCS502()   Returns internal 50 lines FONT 2 of the application
 dfIntCS503()   Returns internal 50 lines FONT 3 of the application
 dfIntCS504()   Returns internal 50 lines FONT 4 of the application
 dfIntCS505()   Returns internal 50 lines FONT 5 of the application
 dfIntCS506()   Returns internal 50 lines FONT 6 of the application
 dfIntCs50()    Returns internal 50 lines FONT of the application
 dfPackFile()   Function for the compression of files
 dfPatternP()   Seeks the position of a string within the file
 dfPrnScr()     Call a shift+print screen
 dfRddCanComp() Control a compound database
 dfRddIsComp()  Control a compound database
 dfRoundUp()    it will round up to the next higher number
 dfScrSav12()   New screen saver
 dfScrSav13()   SCREEN SAVER with the effect of stains of color
 dfScrSav14()   Very nice SCREEN SAVER
 dfScrSav15()   SCREEN SAVER with effect of rain
 dfScrSav16()   SCREEN SAVER with a flowing notice
 dfScrSav17()   SCREEN SAVER with right-angled bounce
 dfSetAdd()     Function for the addition of new settings of sistem
 dfSetEGA()     Set the EGA mode 640x350x16
 dfSetVGA()     Set the VGA mode 640x480x16
 dfSetVGA25()   Set the VGA mode 320x200x256
 dfStationID()  Get the PC ID
 dfTXTMode()    Set the text mode 80x25
 dfUserLog()    Write a message on the user log
 dfVgaCls()     Clear the screen in VGA mode
 dfVgaCls2()    Clear the screen in VGA mode
 dfVgaCls3()    Clear the screen in VGA mode
 dfWKSCreate()  Export an array on a Lotus file
 dfWinDirecto() Performs a directory in WINDOWS95 format
 dfWinEndSubs() Eliminates a SUBST drive within WINDOWS95
 dfWinIs95()    Control an operation under the Windows95 environment
 dfWinIsNT4()   Controls a process under Windows NT 4.0
 dfWinMkeSubs() Creates a SUBST drive with WINDOWS 95
 dfWinQrySubs() Control a SUBST drive with WINDOWS95
 tbGetChang()   Check if tbGet has changed some data
 dfOEM2ANSI()   Converted from the OEM character set to the ANSI
 dfANSI2OEM()   Convert from the ANSI character set to the OEM

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