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X-Hacker.org- dBsee 4.6 - The Library - Norton Guide
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The External option allows to display the list of external procedures
that the application uses. It is possible to insert new External
procedures, using the Add external button. Both object format files
and source format files can be added to the list. This choice is made
through a menu with buttons that appears when the Add External button
is pressed. The files inserted in this way will be automatically added to
the list of make and/or link files.
The list given shows the following information:
. File type (obj=Object, prg=Source)
. Name of external file
. Brief description of file
The Space Bar allows to edit the selected external file.
Active Keys
Space Bar Allows to activate the edit frame in order to
modify the name, path or description of the
selected external file.
Del Deletes the selected external file from the
displayed list. A confirmation is asked for before
the definitive removal takes place.
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