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   The Get control is the most important type in the definition of a
   screen format, since it is the mostly used control for the data-entry of
   the data to be managed by the application.

   Get controls can have different properties. In a data entry format,
   different types of Get can be found:

     . Get for input of data

     . Get with edit not allowed (only display)

   Both entities are defined as Get controls, but they have slightly
   different characteristics.

   The first allows to edit data, the second only displays the field
   contents. This functionality is defined in the environment activated by
   the Options button present in the definition frame.

    . Useful information about the input validation that can be
       performed on the data entered into the Get control, please consult the
       Field controls chapter.

   To choose the field to be associated to a Get control, use the
   Alt-1 keys. These will display the files and the relations among them,
   allowing to select one or more fields.

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