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X-Hacker.org- dBsee 4.6 - The Library - /* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
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/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
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| (C) 1989 - 1998 by ISA Italian Software Agency |
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| dBsee Source Message |
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+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
#ifndef _DFGENMSG_CH
#define _DFGENMSG_CH
#define MSG_DE_DEL 1000
#define MSG_DE_NOTMOD 1001
#define MSG_DE_NOTDEL 1002
#define MSG_VALID01 1003
#define MSG_DBRID01 1004
#define MSG_ADDMENUUND 1005
#define MSG_ATTBUTUND 1006
#define MSG_FORMESC 1007
#define MSG_FORMWRI 1008
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