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Syntax:     FILEDELETE(<expC>[,<expN>])

Arguments:  <expC> will specify the file or files to be erased.
            <expN> establishes one of the file attributes described below.

            Code        Definition
            ----        ----------
               0        Normal (no attribute set)
               1        Read only
               2        Hidden (concealed files)
               4        System files
               8        Volume label
              16        Directory (no file)
              32        Archive attribute
              63        Everything

Returns:    A logical value.
            (.T.) is returned if it was possible to erase at least one of
            the files, otherwise (.F.) is returned.

Usage:      Sometimes it is necessary to clear a diskette or hard disk.
            With this function it is possible to erase groups of files with a
            function, without using the run command.

Notes:      The default attribute is Archive (32).  A drive designator, path
            name and wildcards are allowed.

Warning:    It is possible to erase system files with FILEDELETE().

Library:    CT1.LIB

--------------------------------- Example ------------------------------

Examples:   IF FILEDELETE("*.NTX")
               ? "Files erased."
               ? "No files found."


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