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Syntax:     COM_SOFT_S(<port>)

Arguments:  <port> denotes the interface for which the XOFF send flag
            is to be tested, COM1: (1) or COM2: (2).

Returns:    A logical value.
            The function  will return a (.T.) if the distant station has been
            notified that the buffer is 75 percent or more full.

Usage:      If software handshaking has been selected, and the buffer is
            more than 75 percent  full, an XOFF will automatically be
            transmitted to the distant station.  This will be recorded in an
            internal flag, which can be determined via COM_SOFT_S().
            As the buffer empties to 50 percent or less, an XON will be
            transmitted and the internal flag will be reset.

Note:       The size of the buffer should be chosen such that the  25
            percent remaining after an XOFF has been transmitted is
            sufficient for high baud rates.

Library:    CT1.LIB

--------------------------------- Example ------------------------------

Examples:   IF COM_SOFT_S()
               ? "It is time to empty the buffer!"


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