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 Obtain the character expression of the specified relation

     ERRCODE relText(
                      WORKAREAP wa,
                      USHORT relNum,
                      BYTEP cExpr


     wa is a pointer to self.

     relNum is a numeric value that specifies for which relation the
     character expression is to be obtained.

     cExpr is a pointer to a buffer that contains the character
     expression of relation relNum.


     Obtains a string that describes the relationship of the relNum relation
     to the workarea referenced by wa.  relNum is a one-based number.

 Default Behavior

     relText() implements the behavior of the CA-Clipper function
     DBRELATION().  It scans relations for the workarea at wa and returns the
     key text for the child workarea.

 Implementation Notes

     .  If this method is reimplemented, be careful to return the key
        text for the relation at relNum-1 since relNum is a one-based number.

 Files:  Header file is Rdd.api.

See Also: WORKAREA relArea()

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