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X-Hacker.org- CA-Clipper 5.2 . Technical Reference - <b>_retc()</b>
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Post a character return value using a null-terminated string
C Prototype
#include "extend.api"
void _retc(
char far * fpString
fpString is a far pointer to the null-terminated string whose
contents are to be returned as a character value.
_retc() has no return value.
_retc() posts a character value into CA-Clipper's return value area.
When your Extend routine returns control to the calling CA-Clipper
program, the posted value becomes the CA-Clipper return value of your
Extend routine.
_retc() determines the logical length of the character value by scanning
the supplied string for a null terminator byte. If you are returning
binary data that may contain embedded null bytes, use _retclen()
Note: _retc() automatically allocates memory in the CA-Clipper heap
and makes a copy of the supplied string. The string need not be
preserved after the call to _retc().
. From C:
_retc("hello world");
. From Assembly language:
EXTRN __retc:FAR
mov dx, seg MyString ; pass address of string
; (creation of string not shown)
mov ax, offset MyString
push dx
push ax
call __retc
add sp, 4 ; reset stack pointer
Files: Library is CLIPPER.LIB, header file is Extend.api.
See Also: _parc() _parclen() _retclen() _storc()
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