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X-Hacker.org- CA-Clipper 5.2 . Technical Reference - <b>_itemtype()</b>
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Determine an Item's type
C Prototype
#include "item.api"
USHORT _itemType(
ITEM itemRef
itemRef is the Item whose type you want to determine.
One of a number of manifest constants that indicate the Item's
CA-Clipper type.
The _itemType() function is used to determine an item's CA-Clipper type.
The returned type corresponds to the table below:
Item Type Manifest Constants from Extend.api
Manifest Constant CA-Clipper type
UNDEF NIL or simply undefined
CHARACTER Character string
NUMERIC Numeric (long or double)
LOGICAL Boolean value
DATE Date value
MPTR Item is passed by reference
MEMO Memo field
ARRAY CA-Clipper level array
BLOCK Code block
DOUBLE Double numeric
These constants do not distinctly represent CA-Clipper types. Numerics
are divided into word and double, and system-defined objects as well as
object type (classname) are not determinable. CA-Clipper-level objects
are identified as arrays by the Item API.
Note: Computer Associates does not recommend use of the Item API to
modify object values, as such modifications would violate an object's
interface and encapsulation.
An Item's _itemType() may be a combination of manifest constants from
the list above. For example, an Item may be a character string passed
by reference. In this case, the flags CHARACTER and MPTR would be set.
A call to _itemType() for a numeric such as 42.102 would yield both
NUMERIC and DOUBLE flags. To test for multiple flags, simply OR them
together (e.g., CHARACTER | MPTR).
Files: Library is CLIPPER.LIB, header file is Item.api.
See Also: _itemSize()
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