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X-Hacker.org- ClipX.Lib v1.2 - <b>pubvars()</b>
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Creates public variables for all form-variables
PubVars() ---> Nil
Arguments: None
Returns: Nil
The form-data is passed to the X-Hacker.orgprogram and is placed in a
two-dimensional array. This array is not directly accessible from
a user program. The data however is accessible in several ways.
PubVars() is one way to get the data. Check the See-Also
for additional form-variable retrieval functions.
Each form-object has a name and value. PubVars() makes public
variables and their values available to your CGI program.
Form object: < INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="FirstName" VALUE="Joe" >
Form object: < INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="LastName" VALUE="Someone" >
function Main()
if !ClipXOpen() <-- The form-data is captured here
PubVars() <-- Creates: Public FirstName := "Joe"
Public LastName := "Someone"
return nil
Files: Library is ClipX.Lib
See Also: cxFormArray() cxCgiStr() cxCgiValue() xEnv()
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