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X-Hacker.org- CLIPWKS -Spreadsheet Library - <b>limport()</b> <b>import.prg</b>
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limport() IMPORT.PRG
To import a spreadsheet into a .DBF file
Limport( cSpreadsheet,cDBF_file [,cRange] [,cDefType] )
cSpreadsheet - name of the spreadsheet to read
cDBF_file - name of .DBF file to import into
cRange - optional range of cells to import
cDefType - optional default field type
nStatus 0 = Ok
-1 = Missing spreadsheet
-2 = Problem opening the file
-3 = Invalid range specified
-4 = Field type unknown in header
-5 = Problem creating the .DBF file
If the <cDBF_file> exists, it's structure is used and data is appended
into the file. If you want a new file created, be sure to ZAP the file
before Limport().
If the <cDBF_file> does not exist, then Limport() uses the first row in
the range of cells to determine the types and sizes of the fields in
the .DBF file. Be sure to specify a cell range that does not include
headers, since this would result in all fields being character type,
which might not be what you want. For example:
| A B C |
| 1 Name Hire date Salary |
| 2 Bill Clinton 22-JAN-93 120,000.00 |
| 3 Al Gore 22-JAN-93 80,000.00 |
Specify range A2..C3 rather than A1..C3.
High-level functions
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