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X-Hacker.org- CLIPWKS -Spreadsheet Library - <b>lcalcorder()</b> <b>miscwks.prg</b>
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lcalcorder() MISCWKS.PRG
Set calculation order
Lcalcorder( aSpreadsheet,cOrder )
aSpreadsheet - Array of spreadsheet parameters
cOrder - Calculation order
nStatus 0 All ok
6 Invalid parameters
Calculation order determines when dependent cells are recalculated in
order to resolve any formulas. Natural calculation order means that
before a formula is computed, each cell it refers to is calculated
first to ensure accurary. In column recalculation order, calculation
starts in the first column and proceeds down. It ignores formulas in
other columns. Rowwise works similarly, calculating rows at a time.
The preferred method is (N)atural.
Creating spreadsheet files
See Also: Lcalcmode()
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