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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! ClipOn 3.0 Reference - <b>miscellaneous</b> [<<Previous Entry] [^^Up^^] [Next Entry>>] [Menu] [About The Guide]

 The Miscellaneous functions consist of a variety of routines that
 perform different tasks.  The word-wrap functions are used to
 convert soft carriage returns and wrap a character string.
 C_RANDOM() generates random numbers based on a seed value.  The
 C_STDCLOSE() function is used to close DOS standard devices that
 are not being used by the program to allow additional Clipper files
 to be opened.  Other functions perform tasks such as returning the
 INKEY() codes for a specified ALT or CTRL key, determining if a
 GET/READ variable is empty, returning the value of a GET variable,
 reading and setting pixels (in graphics mode), and determining the
 value of incoming parameters to user-defined functions.

 C_RANDOM()          C_READEMPTY()
 C_BAR()             C_GETVAR()
 C_SLEEP()           C_PIXREAD()
 C_NOPARM()          C_SOFTLEN()
 C_ALT()             C_WRAP()
 C_CTRL()            C_WRAPLEN()

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