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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! The Guide to Clip-4-Win version 3.0 - Norton Guide [^^Up^^] [Menu] [About The Guide]
 Arc()                  Draw an elliptical arc
 BeginPaint()           Start handling the WM_PAINT message
 BitBlt()               Copy a bitmap from one device context to another
 Chord()                Draw a chord
 DrawIcon()             Draw an icon on a specified device
 DrawText()             Output a character string in a rectangular area
 Ellipse()              Draw an ellipse
 EndPaint()             Finish handling the WM_PAINT message
 FillRect()             Fill a rectangle using a specified brush
 FloodFill()            Fill a screen area with a colour
 FrameRect()            Draw a border around a rectangle using a specified brush
 GetBkMode()            Get the current background mode
 GetClientRect()        Return the client co-ordinates of a window
 GetDIBRect()           Return the  co-ordinates of a device-independent bitmap
 GetPixel()             Return the colour of a pixel
 GetPolyFillMode()      Return the mode used for polygon filling
 GetROP2()              Get the current drawing mode
 GetTabbedTextExtent()  Return the width and height of a string using the current font
 GetTextExtent()        Return the width and height of a string using the current font
 GetTextMetrics()       Get the metrics for the current font
 InvalidateRect()       Force a rectangular area to be redrawn
 InvertRect()           Invert the pixels in a rectangular area
 LineTo()               Draw a line from the current position to the specified position
 MoveTo()               Move to the specified position
 PatBlt()               Create/copy a bitmap pattern
 Pie()                  Draw a pie-shaped wedge
 Polygon()              Draw a closed polygon
 PolyLine()             Draw a series of connected lines
 ReadDIB()              Read a device-independent bitmap from a file
 Rectangle()            Draw a rectangle
 RoundRect()            Draw a rectangle with rounded corners
 SetBkMode()            Set the current background mode
 SetBrushOrg()          Set the origin that will be used for a brush in a device context
 SetPixel()             Set the colour of a pixel
 SetPolyFillMode()      Set the mode used for polygon filling
 SetROP2()              Set the current drawing mode
 ShowDIB()              Output a device-independent bitmap
 StretchDIBits()        Stretch/shrink a device-independent bitmap
 TabbedTextOut()        Output a tabbed string at a specified position
 TextOut()              Output a character string at a specified position
 UnrealizeObject()      Reset the origin of a brush or reset a logical palette
 ValidateRect()         Mark a rectangular area as not needing to be redrawn

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