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  As the title says: don't panic!  Please read on and try the
  This section provides a tutorial on using Object Orientation
  (OO) with Clip-4-Win.  The aim is to show some examples of
  Windows programs, explaining why they're written the way they
  are, and how to write your own.
  Since many Clipper users know very little about OO, this
  section starts with an introduction, covering quite a lot of
  terminology.  Read it quickly the first time, if you like, so
  you can get to some code.
  To appreciate OO, and how to use it, it's useful to cover
  everything from concepts to concrete examples.  This section
  covers the ground pretty quickly - if you want to know a lot
  more get some books and/or go on some training courses!
  Despite the above, you don't have to write OO apps using Clip-4-Win.
  The way Clip-4-Win is structured is that all the functions needed
  form the bottom layer, in the library CLIP4WIN.LIB.  The next layer
  is a layer that lets you create classes.  You can use the included
  class creation facility, TopClass, or one of the popular add-ons,
  such as Class(y) or HighClass.  These all have their own library
  files, e.g. TOPCLASS.LIB.  The supplied Clip-4-Win Application
  Classes form another layer above TopClass.  These classes are in
  the C4WCLASS.LIB file.
  The sources of the Application Classes are supplied so that
  you can see how they work, and use them to make new classes
  for use with Clip-4-Win, if you wish.  They're in the Clip-4-Win
  directory SOURCE\OO\CLASSES.
  Note: OO is used for "Object Orientation" and also for "Object

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