Retro video games delivered to your door every month!
Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! The Guide to Clip-4-Win version 3.0 - Norton Guide [^^Up^^] [Menu] [About The Guide]
 @ ... SAY              Display data at a specified screen row and column
 @ DIALOG ... GET       GET validated data at a specified dialog position
 @ ID ... <ControlType> Use a specified type of control in a dialog
 @ ID ... 3DBORDER      Use a 3-D border in a dialog
 @ ID ... 3DFRAME       Use a 3-D frame in a dialog
 @ ID ... BITMAP        Use a bitmap in a dialog
 @ ID ... BITMAP BUTTON Use a bitmapped button in a dialog
 @ ID ... BLACKFRAME    Use a black frame in a dialog
 @ ID ... BLISTBOX      Use a browse control in a dialog
 @ ID ... BUTTON        Use a (push) button in a dialog
 @ ID ... BUTTON BITMAP Use a button with a bitmap in a dialog
 @ ID ... BUTTON SPIN   Use a spin button in a dialog
 @ ID ... CHECKBOX      Use a checkbox control in a dialog
 @ ID ... COMBOBOX      Use a combo box control in a dialog
 @ ID ... CONTROL       Use a user-defined control in a dialog
 @ ID ... EDIT          Use an edit control in a dialog
 @ ID ... GET           Use a GET-like edit control in a dialog
 @ ID ... GRAYFRAME     Use a gray frame in a dialog
 @ ID ... GROUPBOX      Use a group box control in a dialog
 @ ID ... ICON          Use an icon in a dialog
 @ ID ... LISTBOX       Use a list box control in a dialog
 @ ID ... MULTILINE EDITUse a multi-line edit control in a dialog
 @ ID ... PROGRESSBAR   Use a progress bar in a dialog
 @ ID ... RADIOBUTTON   Use a radio button control in a dialog
 @ ID ... RAISEDFRAME   Use a raised 3-D frame in a dialog
 @ ID ... SAY           Use a text ("static") control in a dialog
 @ ID ... SCROLLBAR     Use a scroll bar control in a dialog
 @ ID ... SPIN BUTTON   Use a spin button in a dialog
 @ ID ... SSCONTROL     Use a static control in a dialog
 @ ID ... SUNKENFRAME   Use a sunken 3-D frame in a dialog
 @ ID ... VBX           Use a VBX control in a dialog
 @ ID ... WHITEFRAME    Use a white frame in a dialog
 @ PIXEL ... SAY        Display data at a specified screen pixel position
 ACCELERATORS           Start the definition of accelerator keys
 AKEY                   Define an accelerator key
 CANCEL DIALOG          Cancel a dialog containing GETs
 CLEAR SAYS             Remove the data displayed by @ ... SAY and @ PIXEL ... SAY
 CREATE APPLICATION     Create and set-up an application
 CREATE DIALOG          Create a dialog
 CREATE WINDOW          Create and set-up a window
 END ACCELERATORS       Finish the definition of accelerator keys
 ENDMENU                Mark the end of a (bar) menu
 ENDPOPUP               Mark the end of a popup menu
 INIT DIALOG            Initialise a dialog object dynamically
 MDIWINDOWPOPUP         Create an MDI "Window" popup menu
 MENU                   Create a (bar) menu
 MENUITEM               Create a menu item
 POPUP                  Create a popup menu
 SET DEFAULT SAY FONT   Set the default font used by @ ... SAY and @ PIXEL ... SAY
 SHOW DIALOG            Show a dialog
 USE ACCELERATORS       Start using accelerator keys previously defined
 _DLL                   Create a function to call a DLL
 _NDLL                  Create a function to call a DLL

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