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WWindow:Create() Method
Create a window

<oWnd>:Create( [ <cTitle> ] , [ <nId> ] , [ <nX> ] , [ <nY> ] ,
               [ <nWidth> ] , [ <nHeight> ] , [ <cParam> ] )
    -->   self

Also see the CreateWindow() function, which is called by this

<cTitle> is an optional string defining the caption (title
bar) of the window to be created (used as the contents for an
edit control).  The default is "" (an empty string).

<nId> is an optional number, defaulting to self:CreateId().

<nX>, <nY> specify the left, top of the window in pixels,
defaulting to CW_USEDEFAULT.

<nWidth>, <nHeight> specify the size of the window in pixels.

<cParam> optionally specifies initialisation data to be used
by the window.


This method can be used to create a window, whose window handle is
then stored in the hWnd instance variable.  In practice, this method
is not often used directly, as the Init() methods in most descendant
classes call Create() by default.  However, if you need to do some
extra initialisation, for example, it can be useful to stop the
sub-class Init() calling this method (by specifying <lCreate> as .F.),
carrying out further work, and finally calling Create().


See Also: WWindow:Init() CreateWindow()

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