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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! The Guide to Clip-4-Win version 3.0 - Norton Guide [^^Up^^] [Menu] [About The Guide]
 CallWindowProc()       Pass a message to a window procedure
 DispatchMessage()      Dispatch a message to the appropriate window procedure
 GetMessage()           Get a message from Windows
 IsDialogMessage()      Return whether a message was handled in a dialog-like manner
 PeekMessage()          Check for a message from Windows
 PostMessage()          Place a message in a window's message queue
 PostQuitMessage()      Place the quit message in an application's message queue
 SendMessage()          Send a message to a window
 SubClassWindow()       Intercept messages on their way to a window procedure
 TranslateAccelerator() Try to translate a keyboard message as an accelerator
 TranslateMessage()     Translate a keyboard message
 TranslMDISysAccel()    Try to translate a keyboard message as an MDI accelerator

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