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 Create and initialize private memory variables and arrays

     DECLARE <identifier> [[:= <initializer>], ... ]


     <identifier> is the name of a private variable or array to create.
     If the <identifier> is followed by square brackets ([ ]), it is created
     as an array.  If the <identifier> is an array, the syntax for specifying
     the number of elements for each dimension is either array[<nElements>,
     <nElements2>,...] or array[<nElements>][<nElements2>]...  The maximum
     number of elements per dimension is 4096.

     <initializer> is the optional assignment of a value to a new private
     variable.  An <initializer> expression for a private variable consists
     of the inline assignment operator (:=) followed by any valid CA-Clipper
     expression, including a literal array.  If no explicit <initializer> is
     specified, the variable is given an initial value of NIL.  In the case
     of an array, each element is NIL.  Array identifiers, cannot be given
     values with an <initializer>.

     DECLARE can create, and optionally initialize, a list of variable
     arrays, if definitions are separated by commas.


     DECLARE is a compatibility statement that is a synonym for the PRIVATE
     statement.  Its general use is not recommended.  PRIVATE should be used
     in all instances.  See PRIVATE for more information.


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