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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! CA-Clipper 5.2 . The Guide To CA-Clippe - <b> indexes</b> [<<Previous Entry] [^^Up^^] [Next Entry>>] [Menu] [About The Guide]
 Reference Item| Description
 DBCLEARIND()  | Close indexes
 DBCREATEIND() | Create an index file
 DBREINDEX()   | Recreate all active indexes
 DBSEEK()      | Search for a key value
 DBSETINDEX()  | Open an index
 DBSETORDER()  | Set the controlling order
 DESCEND()     | Create a descending index key value
 FOUND()       | Determine if the previous search operation succeeded
 INDEX         | Create an index file
 INDEXEXT()    | Return the default index extension
 INDEXKEY()    | Return the key expression of a specified index
 INDEXORD()    | Return the order position of the controlling index
 REINDEX       | Rebuild open indexes in the current workarea
 SET INDEX     | Open index file(s) in the current work area
 SET ORDER     | Set a new controlling index
 SET UNIQUE    | Toggle the inclusion of nonunique keys into an index

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