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   CFTS Error Codes

   The following table lists all possible error values than can be 
   returned from the CFTS functions. The table lists each error code, its 
   name, and a brief explanation of the error type. All CFTS functions 
   return a code equal to or greater than zero if the function succeeds. 
   With the exception of the functions that return a CFTS handle, you are 
   not required to save or test the error return value, although we 
   strongly recommend that you do. If you do not want to write your own 
   error checking routines, we urge you to use the UDFs supplied in the 
   on of the CFTS.PRG files when accessing the CFTS functions. Error 
   checking is provided in a manner that is consistent with the default
   Clipper error reporting method. See the individual function descriptions 
   for a more detailed explanation of the meaning of each code.

   Code      Name           Explanation
    -1       CREATEFAIL     File creation error
    -2       MEMERR         Memory allocation error
    -3       NULLPTR        Function called with NULL pointer
    -4       BADSEEK        Illegal Seek
    -5       BADREAD        Read error
    -6       BADWRITE       Write error
    -7       RECBOUND       Record number out of bounds
    -8       ISDELETED      Attempt to delete already deleted record
    -9       NOTDELETED     Attempt to undelete nondeleted record
   -10       OPENERR        Unable to open CFTS file
   -11       INTERR         Internal Error
   -13       NORECS         CftsSet called with empty CFTS file
   -16       BADPARMS       Illegal number or type of parameters
   -17       NOMOREHANDLES  Ran out of CFTS handles
   -18       BADHANDLE      Invalid handle
   -19       BADIHANDLE     Invalid internal handle
   -20       LOCKFAILED     Unable to lock file
   -21       NOMORELOCKS    Lock table exhausted
   -22       CANNOTUNLOCK   Unable to unlock file
   -23       BADCOMMIT      Unable to flush buffer to disk

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