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                           |  CC.LIB version 1.05  |
 BOXCHOICE()   Display a self-sizing CUA-style boxed ACHOICE() selection window
 CREATEDBF()   Create a DBF from a Structure File
 NEWREC()      Locate or append a new record
 RECCLEAR()    Clear all fields in the current record to a BLANK() condition

 BLANK()       formatting of BLANK() numeric value with decimals

 NET_USE()     macro expression error
 FIL_LOCK()    failed message error
 PICKCOLOR()   background color
 MENUPD()      save & restore screen status

                           |  CC.LIB version 1.04  |
 BOXGET()      Display a shadow-boxed single GET box & wait for input
 BOXGETS()     Display a shadow-boxed multi-GET box & wait for input
 BOXMSG()      Display a shadow-boxed dialog box & return response
               ( use instead of MSGBOX() )
 DATEVLD()     Check for a Valid Date
 PICKCOLOR()   Select color from interactive display
 READX()       READ with time out option
 SETSCRSTS()   Get & Set the current screen status (row,column,cursor,color)

 ISALTERNAT()  Get the current value of Clipper's SET ALTERNATE setting
 ISBELL()      Get the current value of Clipper's SET BELL setting
 ISCENTURY()   Get the current value of Clipper's SET CENTURY setting
 ISCONFIRM()   Get the current value of Clipper's SET CONFIRM setting
 ISCONSOLE()   Get the current value of Clipper's SET CONSOLE setting
 ISDELETED()   Get the current value of Clipper's SET DELETED setting
 ISDELIMS()    Get the current value of Clipper's SET DELIMITERS setting
 ISESCAPE()    Get the current value of Clipper's SET ESCAPE setting
 ISEXACT()     Get the current value of Clipper's SET EXACT setting
 ISEXCLUSIV()  Get the current value of Clipper's SET EXCLUSIVE setting
 ISFIXED()     Get the current value of Clipper's SET FIXED setting
 ISINTENSE()   Get the current value of Clipper's SET INTENSITY setting
 ISPRINTON()   Get the current value of Clipper's SET PRINT setting
 ISSCORE()     Get the current value of Clipper's SET SCOREBOARD setting
 ISSOFTSEEK()  Get the current value of Clipper's SET SOFTSEEK setting
 ISUNIQUE()    Get the current value of Clipper's SET UNIQUE setting
 ISWRAP()      Get the current value of Clipper's SET WRAP setting

 SETALTERNAT() Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET ALTERNATE setting
 SETBELL()     Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET BELL setting
 SETCENTURY()  Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET CENTURY setting
 SETCONFIRM()  Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET CONFIRM setting
 SETCONSOLE()  Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET CONSOLE setting
 SETDELETED()  Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET DELETED setting
 SETDELIMS()   Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET DELIMITERS setting
 SETESCAPE()   Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET ESCAPE setting
 SETEXACT()    Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET EXACT setting
 SETEXCLUSIV() Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET EXCLUSIVE setting
 SETFIXED()    Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET FIXED setting
 SETINTENSE()  Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET INTENSITY setting
 SETPRINTON()  Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET PRINT setting
 SETSCORE()    Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET SCOREBOARD setting
 SETSOFTSEEK() Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET SOFTSEEK setting
 SETUNIQUE()   Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET UNIQUE setting
 SETWRAP()     Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET WRAP setting

 MSGBOX()      use BOXMSG() instead
 SETSCRSTAT()  use SETSCRSTS() instead

                           |  CC.LIB version 1.03  |
 ASTORE()     Array initialization by parameter passing (compact source code)
 CLEARLKEY()  Clear the LASTKEY() value
 MENUH()      Horizontal MENU TO with highlighted trigger letters
 MENUV()      Vertical MENU TO with highlighted trigger letters
 MENUPD()     Pull-Down Menu with highlighted trigger letters
 MSGBOX()     Display a shadow-boxed dialog box & return response
 PDM_FSETUP() Read PDM_INIT() (Pull Down Menu) set up values from an ASC file
 PDM_INIT()   Initialize remaining optional PDM PUBLIC arrays
 PDM_HLP()    Default Help Message Box, if no PDM Help Function is defined
 SAYATT()     Prints a string with attributes
 SETPOS()     Set & Get current cursor screen position
 SETSCRSTAT() Set & Get the current screen status (row,column,cursor,color)
 STR2REC()    Replace all fields in a DBF record from a string variable

 ALONGEST()   Determine the longest string in an array (option: within a range)
 POPMSG()     Display a shadow-boxed message on the screen & wait for keypress

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