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 ISALTERNAT  Get the current value of Clipper's SET ALTERNATE setting
 ISBELL      Get the current value of Clipper's SET BELL setting
 ISCENTURY   Get the current value of Clipper's SET CENTURY setting
 ISCONFIRM   Get the current value of Clipper's SET CONFIRM setting
 ISCONSOLE   Get the current value of Clipper's SET CONSOLE setting
 ISDELETED   Get the current value of Clipper's SET DELETED setting
 ISDELIMS    Get the current value of Clipper's SET DELIMITERS setting
 ISESCAPE    Get the current value of Clipper's SET ESCAPE setting
 ISEXACT     Get the current value of Clipper's SET EXACT setting
 ISEXCLUSIV  Get the current value of Clipper's SET EXCLUSIVE setting
 ISFIXED     Get the current value of Clipper's SET FIXED setting
 ISINTENSE   Get the current value of Clipper's SET INTENSITY setting
 ISPRINTON   Get the current value of Clipper's SET PRINT setting
 ISSCORE     Get the current value of Clipper's SET SCOREBOARD setting
 ISSOFTSEEK  Get the current value of Clipper's SET SOFTSEEK setting
 ISUNIQUE    Get the current value of Clipper's SET UNIQUE setting
 ISWRAP      Get the current value of Clipper's SET WRAP setting

 SETALTERNAT Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET ALTERNATE setting
 SETBELL     Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET BELL setting
 SETCENTURY  Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET CENTURY setting
 SETCONFIRM  Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET CONFIRM setting
 SETCONSOLE  Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET CONSOLE setting
 SETDELETED  Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET DELETED setting
 SETDELIMS   Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET DELIMITERS setting
 SETESCAPE   Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET ESCAPE setting
 SETEXACT    Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET EXACT setting
 SETEXCLUSIV Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET EXCLUSIVE setting
 SETFIXED    Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET FIXED setting
 SETINTENSE  Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET INTENSITY setting
 SETPRINTON  Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET PRINT setting
 SETSCORE    Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET SCOREBOARD setting
 SETSOFTSEEK Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET SOFTSEEK setting
 SETUNIQUE   Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET UNIQUE setting
 SETWRAP     Get & SET the current value of Clipper's SET WRAP setting


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