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   |    TABLE OF MOUSE EVENTS TYPES and SUBCODES (in win_ctrl.h)         |
   | EVENT       | Description                    |Parm2  |Parm3         |
   | BTN1_CLICK  | Button pressed and released    |line   |col           |
   | BTN2_CLICK  |                                |       |              |
   | BTN3_CLICK  |                                |       |              |
   | BTN1_DOWN   | Button pressed                 |line   |col           |
   | BTN2_DOWN   |                                |       |              |
   | BTN3_DOWN   |                                |       |              |
   | BTN1_UP     | Button released                |line   |col           |
   | BTN2_UP     |                                |       |              |
   | BTN3_UP     |                                |       |              |
   | BTN1_DBLCLK | Button double clicked          |line   |col           |
   | BTN2_DBLCLK |                                |       |              |
   | BTN3_DBLCLK |                                |       |              |
   | BTN1_MOVE   | Mouse moved while holding down |line   |col           |
   | BTN2_MOVE   | button                         |       |              |
   | BTN3_MOVE   |                                |       |              |
   | CLOSE_WIN   | Button clicked on close button |win_id |-none-        |
   | ZOOM_WIN    | Button clicked on zoom button  |       |              |
   | SET_WIN     | Button clicked either title bar|win_id |area          |
   |             | or client area                 |       | CLIENT_AREA  |
   |             |                                |       | TITLE_BAR    |
   |             |                                |       | FRAME        |
   | STATUS_AREA | Click, release or move into the|btn#   |region        |
   |             | status area (bottom line)      |       | MESSAGE_AREA |
   |             |                                |       | LINE_AREA    |
   |             |                                |       | COLUMN_AREA  |
   |             |                                |       | FLAGS_AREA   |
   |             |                                |       | TIME_AREA    |
   | HSCROLL     | Horizontal scroll bar clicked  |SB_??? |thumb_pos     |
   | VSCROLL     | Vertical scroll bar clicked    |       |(filled in)   |
   |             |                     +----------+       |              |
   |             |                     | SB_LINEUP        |              |
   |             |                     | SB_LINEDOWN      |              |
   |             |                     | SB_PAGEUP        |              |
   |             |                     | SB_PAGEDOWN      |              |
   |             |                     | SB_THUMBPOSITION |              |
   |             |                     | SB_THUMBTRACK    |              |
   |             |                     | SB_TOP           |              |
   |             |                     | SB_BOTTOM        |              |
   |             |                     | SB_ENDSCROLL     |              |
   |             |                     | SB_LEFT          |              |
   |             |                     | SB_RIGHT         |              |
   |             |                     | SB_PAGELEFT      |              |
   |             |                     | SB_PAGERIGHT     |              |
   |             |                     | SB_HOME          |              |
   |             |                     | SB_END           |              |

See Also: inq_mouse_action set_mouse_action

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