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 Table of C++ Escape Sequences

   Escape Sequence   Meaning              Value

          \a       bell (alert)          0x07
          \b       backspace             0x08
          \f       formfeed              0x0C
          \n       newline (linefeed)    0x0A
          \r       carriage return       0x0D
          \t       horizontal tab        0x09
          \v       vertical tab          0x0B

          \\       backslash             0x5C
          \'       single quote          0x2C
          \"       double quotes         0x22
          \?       question mark         0x3F

          \DDD  byte value in octal notation (1 to 3 digits)
          \xHHH byte value in hexadecimal notation (1 to 3 digits)

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