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X-Hacker.org- Borland C++ 2.x ( with Turbo C ) - <b>- unary negation operator; binary subtraction</b>
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- Unary Negation Operator; Binary Subtraction
-exp1 Unary Arithmetic negation
exp1 any real or integer expression
exp1 - exp2 Binary subtraction
exp1 any real or integer expression
exp2 any real or integer expression
The unary operator - performs arithmetic negation. The result is the
negative value of exp1; by definition, exp1 + -exp1 yields zero (0).
As a binary operator, - performs subtraction. The result depends
upon the operands and follows the usual arithmetic conversion. Note
that subtraction is not commutative: (A-B) ~= (B-A). Examples:
i = 3223 - 88; /* i == 3135 */
x = 3.5 - 4.5; /* x == -1.0 */
See Also: Conversions + ~ !
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