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X-Hacker.org- Borland C++ 2.x ( with Turbo C ) - <b>graphresult() return graphics system error code</b>
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graphresult() Return Graphics System Error Code
#include <graphics.h>
int far graphresult(void);
graphresult() retrieves the internal error code that is set after an
unsuccessful graphics function call. The error codes are defined as
follows, (along with the error message strings returned by
Error 'graphics_errors'
code constant Error message string
0 grOk No error
-1 grNoInitGraph Graphics not installed
-2 grNotDetected Graphics hardware not detected
-3 grFileNotFound Device driver not found
-4 grInvalidDriver Invalid device driver file
-5 grNoLoadMem Insufficient memory to load driver
-6 grNoScanMem Out of memory in scan fill
-7 grNoFloodMem Out of memory in flood fill
-8 grFontNotFound Font file not found
-9 grNoFontMem Not enough memory to load font
-10 grInvalidMode Invalid mode for selected driver
-11 grError Graphics error
-12 grIOerror Graphics I/O error
-13 grInvalidFont Invalid font file
-14 grInvalidFontNum Invalid font number
-15 grInvalidDeviceNum Invalid device number
Because graphresult() resets the error code to 0 after it has been
called, its value should be stored in a temporary variable and then
Returns: The current graphics error number which range from -15 to
-------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------
The following statements initialize the graphics system and print an
error message on error.
#include <graphics.h>
#include <conio.h>
int gdriver = DETECT;
int gmode;
int errslt;
errslt = graphresult();
if (errslt < 0 )
printf("Error #%d, %s\n",errslt,grapherrormsg(errslt));
/* graphics operations */
See Also: grapherrormsg()
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