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X-Hacker.org- Borland C++ 2.x ( with Turbo C ) - <b>closegraph() shut down the graphics system</b>
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closegraph() Shut Down the Graphics System
#include <graphics.h>
void far closegraph(void);
closegraph() shuts down the graphics system by deallocating all the
memory that was allocated by initgraph(). The screen is restored to
the mode it was in before initgraph() was called. closegraph() is a
graphics system control function and should be the last graphics
function called.
Returns: Nothing.
-------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------
The following statements open and close a graphic system. 'gdriver'
is set to the constant DETECT and therefore 'gmode' is set to the
highest resolution available for the detected driver.
#include <graphics.h>
int gdriver = DETECT;
int gmode;
/* graphic operations */
See Also: _graphgetmem() initgraph() restorecrtmode()
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