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 Performance implications
 Programs running under the Blinker DOS extender have transparent access to
 up to 16 Mb of directly addressable memory. Memory intensive programs,
 particularly those using large numbers of data structures e.g. arrays, will
 therefore run significantly faster in protected mode. Also, since there is
 usually no need for overlaying of code, execution of the code itself is
 faster because pauses to load code from disk are rare.

 On the other hand, programs running under a DOS extender which heavily
 access DOS, the BIOS or other external resources will often be continually
 switching between real and protected mode, so may run slower than in real
 mode. This is extremely program dependent. The overhead of switching between
 real and protected mode varies significantly between different machines, and
 reduces drastically when moving from a 286 to a 386, 486 and Pentium

 Language compiler memory managers sometimes perform inefficiently when given
 megabytes of data, since they were only designed to manage a few hundred Kb
 of data. This is another area where performance may be adversely affected.
 For this reason Blinker provides replacement memory management functions for
 most of the popular compilers.

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